16 ~ Serious Chat

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Conny held Mai while Kageyama drove back to the school. Takeda was in the backseat still whispering 'This isn't real' over and over again.

As they got closer to the school they noticed the gate had been finished and was now locked up.

However, Kimi was there to open it, she must have been waiting out there all night for them. She opened the gate allowing Kageyama to drive the truck into the parking lot. Kimi quickly closed the gate locking it back up before running over to the truck.

"What the hell! You guys weren't supposed to stay out that long!" Daichi started yelling as he walked over to the truck while they were getting out. But he stopped immediately when he saw Conny step out holding a baby with an emotionless expression on her face. An expression he had never seen her wear before.

"Are you okay? What happened out there?" Daichi asked letting his worry take over. Conny didn't even register that she was being spoken to as she continued walking towards the school staring straight ahead not saying a word, holding the baby close.

"Kageyama?" Daichi asked turning to the boy who was watching Conny walk away.

"We were looting a neighbourhood when we came across a house with a family in it. I was with the husband, I think he's lost it and I was trying to help him. Conny went downstairs to help the wife. I didn't know she was pregnant when Conny went down. By the time I got down there Conny was already halfway through delivering the baby. After the baby was born the mother was attacked... she didn't make it" Kageyama explained the whole thing. He left out the part where Conny had to end the mother's life. He knew it was something Conny didn't want to talk about.

Daichi and Kimi both nodded staring at him. "I'm sorry that had to happen," Daichi said sadly, not knowing what to do for his little sister.

"Me too," Kageyama said. Kimi walked away from the two, headed for the school.

"The father?" Daichi asked.

"He won't come out of the truck, I really don't think he is going to be okay," Kageyama said as he glanced over at the truck where Takeda was still sitting. Daichi nodded in understanding, not sure what he could or should say.

"I'll take care of him. You don't have to worry about it anymore," Daichi finally said, patting Kageyama's shoulder before walking over to the truck.


Kimi entered a smaller classroom where the girls slept. Since their group had grown, they had created a second bedroom to separate by gender.

Conny was the only one inside right now, she was holding the baby, gently rocking it. "Hey," Kimi said softly as she took a seat beside her sister.

"Hi," Conny replied, not needing to look up to know it was her sister, she just continued to stare at Mai instead.

"Do they have a name?" she asked, looking at the baby.

Conny nodded. "Mai," she said.

"She's really pretty," Kimi stated.

"Yeah, she's going to be tough like you. She's not going to ever get hurt," Conny said as she smiled at Mai. She was sure Mai would survive the world, she had to.

"Can I hold her?" Kimi asked.

Conny finally looked over to her sister. "Yeah," she said as she carefully handed Mai over to Kimi. Kimi held the baby, smiling down at her.

"Tell you what. I'll go wash her up and you get some sleep," Kimi suggested, knowing her sister was exhausted from her eventful night. Conny was hesitant at first but eventually agreed, feeling her tiredness start to take over her body.

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