14 ~ Unexpected Problems

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Conny and Kageyama were both hesitant to step out of the room, neither had been expecting another human to be in the house.

"Do we..." Conny questioned looking over to the boy. She didn't need to finish her sentence for him to understand what she was asking him.

"I don't know. Where is the person?" Kageyama asked, pulling out his knife while Conny held up her hockey stick.

"Hello. Is someone out there?" the voice rang out again. It was clear now that it was coming from behind a closed door that Conny assumed to be a bathroom.

"Hello," Kageyama called out loud enough for the person to clearly hear him. It was definitely a man's voice.

"Hi. Is it safe to come out? Are those things still out there?" the man answered, sounding happy that someone else was in the house. Conny couldn't even imagine how long he had been stuck in there just waiting for help. If she had been alone at the start of everything then she probably would have been in the same position as him.

"Yeah, we got rid of them. How long have you been in there?" Kageyama questioned almost mimicking Conny's thoughts. Conny decided it was best to stay quiet and let Kageyama deal with the situation since she knew he would be a lot better at it.

"About three days now?" he answered in more of a question than an answer.

"Okay, come out we can talk," Kageyama said not lowering his knife or dropping his guard.

The door slowly opened and a scrawny looking man with glasses stepped out. "My wife is downstairs in the basement we got separated by those things, is she okay?" he asked quickly.

Conny immediately looked over to Kageyama. "Yeah, go I'll talk to him," Kageyama said without her even needing to ask the question on her mind. Conny immediately started towards the stairs, wanting to help the woman in the basement.

"Be careful though, remember what I told you about never dropping your guard," Kageyama added as she descended down the stairs. He briefly wondered if it was a mistake to send her alone, but he shook the thought as he turned his attention back to the man.

"Got it!" she yelled in response to his words as she continued making her way to the basement. Conny opened the basement door that had been closed shut. She held up her hockey stick and made her way down the stairs silently.

"Hello," she called out in a whisper. Basements had always seemed a little creepy to her, but given the current state of the world they seemed that much more freaky.

"Are you human? Are you here with a rescue crew?" a woman's voice called back panicked.

"Um not exactly. My name is Conny, I just happened to come across your house. Are you hurt?" she asked continuing to walk down the stairs.

"Not hurt. But I do still need some help" the woman answered, Conny immediately understood why when she made it to the bottom stair.

The woman was very pregnant. She was sitting on the ground alone. Conny ran over to her. "Are you okay? We have a group of people. I'm sure we can help you," she said, crouching down to sit beside her. Conny had never even thought about babies in this world, but the thought made her a little sad. Even when the woman did eventually give birth, her child would never know the world the way it was before.

"I'm doing okay," the woman answered, giving Conny a small smile. "I'm worried about the little one though. Are things really bad out there?" she questioned placing a hand on her stomach.

"They're pretty bad. But we have a place. You and your husband will be safe there," Conny said, deciding that honesty was the best approach.

"Thank you. You are such an angel," the woman said with a soft smile.

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