37 ~ Just a Cough

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Conny skipped happily down the hallway of the school. She entered the room containing their water supply, hoping to get a drink, but was met with another person already sipping some water.

"Oh hi!" she beamed as she noticed the boy present in the room.

"Hey Conny," Ennoshita responded, smiling when he saw the girl. "How's it been going? I hear you were the one who discovered we can hide from the monsters by covering our smell with theirs. Smart thinking," he added.

"Oh, it was nothing!" Conny replied, waving her arm dismissively in her normal arrogant manner. "But honestly it was just a shot in the dark and prayer," Conny added with a sense of seriousness.

"I guess we have to take more and more risks now a days. I'm terrified to see what we will be doing in even another month," Ennoshita responded. It was crazy how fast they had to adapt to their surroundings just to stay safe.

"I think things will be a lot better in another month, don't you? Maybe not fixed but we'll be in good shape at least. Daichi's garden will have grown a lot more by then and we will all be a lot better at fighting off the monsters. I see a bright future here!" Conny said optimistically.

"I forgot how optimistic you are, it's incredible really," Ennoshita said, shaking his head slightly. He found Conny's attitude like a breath of fresh air.

"But I actually do agree with you on that, there is a future here. Your sister has done a good job leading this group. You're all very good people," he added in agreement with her previous statement.

"Stop referring to us as a separate group. You are one of us now, no one gives a shit what happened before, you're stuck with us now," Conny scolded, still smiling brightly.

Ennoshita smiled. "Alri-" he stopped mid sentence, his entire body freezing and face going slightly pale.

"Ennoshita?" Conny said in panic as she immediately moved to his side, worried by the boy's sudden change in demeanor.

All of a sudden Ennoshita entered a fit of coughing that lasted several minutes.

"Ennoshita?!" Conny asked again, this time the worry and fear could be heard in her voice.

Ennoshita nodded to her trying to catch his breath after nearly hacking up a lung. "I'm sorry, I'm fine. I don't know what came over me all of a sudden," he said apologetically with a hoarse voice.

"It's okay, you might have caught a cold or something. Let's get you to lay down, okay?" Conny said, putting an arm on Ennoshita's back to help lead him to an empty room. She found one quickly and instructed the boy to lay down. He did and closed his eyes immediately.

"Are you tired?" Conny questioned,, moving her hand to his forehead to feel if it was a normal temperature. "Fuck!" Conny blurt out without thinking as she immediately moved her hand away, Ennoshita was burning up at an unnatural rate.

"That bad, huh?" Ennoshita asked, not bothering to open his eyes as he spoke.

"No, it's not that bad, just a normal cold you'll be fine soon I'm sure.... How do you feel?" Conny lied, attempting to comfort the boy, yet terrified to hear his answer.

"Really crappy. I was perfectly fine one moment, now I feel like everything on my inside wants to be on my outside... Is it really cold in here?" Ennoshita's voice even sounded bad.

Conny couldn't make sense of it though, he was perfectly fine one moment then the next moment he had a raging fever. But from her experience fevers usually gradually build up.

"Are you cold? I can get you a few blankets," Conny offered.

"I would really appreciate that," Ennoshita whispered, mustering up a small smile. Conny nodded even though his eyes were still closed.

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