86 ~ Christmas

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The group decided to celebrate Christmas that night rather than wait the couple of days out of fear of the valuable meat going bad. Kuroo was the one to barbecue the meat over the fire for everyone while the group spread out around the yard all laughing and just overall having a good time.

Kimi sat on the grass with Tsukishima who was sitting beside Mai who could now mostly sit on her own. She was talking away, saying a bunch of nonsense words that neither Kimi nor Tsukishima could understand but she would laugh anytime either of them would respond to her.

"She thinks she's hilarious" Tsukishima stated looking at Mai.

"Who knows maybe she is hilarious and we just don't understand the joke" Kimi said laughing lightly.

"Possibly, I think she just likes to hear herself talk though. Is that right Mai?" Tsukishima said turning to ask the baby the question. When he did she began to giggle. But her attention quickly moved to the scarf wrapped around her neck to protect her from the cold.

"Don't you dare take that off" Tsukishima warned. Mai looked over at the boy and laughed again before she pushed herself to her knees only to flop over onto her stomach causing herself to dive into a fit of laughter once again.

At that moment Natsu and Tanjiro came running over to them. "Tsuki" the little girl said pulling on his sleeve. 

"Yeah?" Tsukishima asked moving his full attention to Natsu.

"Um, can we have another piece of meat?" Natsu asked in a whisper. 

"Yeah, you see Kuroo over there" Tsukishima said pointing to the boy standing over the fire still cooking pieces of the deer. Natsu nodded. "Go and ask him if you can have some more. He'll give it to you, there's plenty and it will go bad soon anyways" Tsukishima explained.

"Thank you Tsuki!" Natsu beamed before skipping off in the direction of Kuroo, quickly followed by Tanjiro.

Tsukishima looked back over to Kimi who was now smiling at him. "What?" he asked confused.

"Nothing, just who would have suspected you to be the parent type" she said laughing.

"I'm not, Natsu just asked me because she doesn't know Kuroo very well" Tsukishima explained brushing off her comment.

"Oh come on Tsuki, are you afraid of admitting that kids like you?" Kimi teased lightly punching his shoulder.

Tsukishima let a faint smile cross his face. "I care about them a lot" he said. Kimi smiled back at Tsukishima.

There was a sudden flash in front of them and they both immediately turned to see what it was. Kai was standing there holding an instant camera. He smiled as the picture printed off immediately revealing a photo of Kimi and Tsukishima smiling at one another as Mai laid on the ground beside them giggling while she played with the grass through her mittens.

"What was that for Kai?" Kimi asked looking at the camera in the boys hand. 

"Just capturing the moment. Photos are valuable now you know" he said smiling brightly.

"Where'd you even get that thing?" Kimi asked confused.

"Tsukishima and I found it when we were on our own and I held onto it waiting for a day to use it" Kai explained.

"Yeah I remember that" Tsukishima said.

"You better, you made fun of me for it... Although come to think of it you made fun of me for everything" Kai said.

"You deserved it" Tsukishima said flatly.

"Hey! Did not!" Kai argued back. But before Tsukishima could respond with an insult both boys attention were brought to Kimi who was giggling at the interaction. Kai couldn't help himself from snapping a picture of the rare occasion.

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