55 ~ Burn

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Kimi and Kai made it back to Karasuno late evening. But what they saw made them both jump out of the truck and head for the front doors of the building at a full sprint.

When they reached the door they quickly discovered that the door had been locked already. Kimi squinted through the window, which was already smoky and tough to see through. But she could make out Tsukishima holding his sister on the ground.

"Kimi step back, I'm going to bust down the door." Kai said holding up the bat he had run back to the truck to get.

Kimi stepped back, watching as Kai swung the bat at the door over and over again. He finally broke the glass on the door so they could crawl in. Kimi began to cough immediately as the smoke hit her lungs.

"Tsuki" she called as she got to her feet to run closer to him.

"Kimi?" Conny questioned looking over to her sister, who appeared as a blurry figure in front of her.

"Conny eat this, it will help you." Kai said wasting no time to put the leaves in her hand. Conny gave him a questioning look but still ate the plant anyways, trusting him.

"Can you stand?" Tsukishima asked her.

"Yeah, I think so. I was standing okay earlier." Conny said nodding.

Tsukishima helped Conny stand up and once she was stable on her own he turned to Kimi. "I'll be back" he said before taking off in a frantic run.

"Wait we should stick together!" Kai called out. But Tsukishima didn't stop or show any signs of hearing him.

"You go after him I'm sure he is going for Mai. I'm going to go find Natsu. Conny you get out from the front door now. We'll meet up with you outside." Kimi instructed the other two. Kai nodded in understanding before taking off down the hall after the tall boy.

Kimi took off in the opposite direction. Conny was about to leave when she made up her mind to stumble behind Kimi instead. She was confident that Kageyama wasn't going to leave until he found her, that was the way he had always been, trying to keep her safe. So she headed on a search for him, since he would never find her if she wasn't in the building anymore. She had to have trust that he wasn't so betrayed by her that he would abandon her.

Kimi arrived in the room and noticed Daichi already missing from his bed. She had to hope that he already found his way out. She continued to make her way through the curtains until she found Natsu.

The little girl was crouched in the corner of the room, terrified. "Natsu, don't be scared. I'm going to take you out of here and we'll be safe" Kimi said in an attempt to calm the girl.

Natsu nodded slowly still not moving.

"You trust me don't you?" Kimi asked, not forcing the girl to move.

"Yes" Natsu said with a slight nod.

"Alright then, I'll carry you to a safer place. Just get on my back and close your eyes. I'll tell you when you can open them again." Kimi said. This time Natsu moved to climb on her back, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Kimi moved to the window. It was sealed shut by some sort of hardening liquid.

Luckily, she still had her golf club clutched in her hand. She took only one swing, immediately breaking open the window. 

"Hold on Natsu, we're getting out" she said. Natsu clung tight to her neck as she climbed out the window. She noticed Tadashi, standing by the front gate that had been busted, in fact the entire fence had been torn down and walkers now roamed freely across their home. Tadashi was fighting a few monsters so Kimi ran over to join him.

"We need to go, there are too many of them to fight right now." Kimi said as she ran up to him. She just had to hope that the others could make it out on their own. They would all meet up again sometime, somehow.

Tadashi nodded before the two took off in a run to get away from the area swarming with monsters.


Conny finally made it to the room of the sick. "Tobio..." she called out weakly.

She noticed someone else though, still in their bed too weak to move.

"Ukai, let me help you get out." she said coughing. She was unsure if it was caused from the virus still lingering in her system or the smoke.

"No kid. I'm old. You save yourself, it's Connys turn to be helped by Conny" he said rejecting her offer of help.

Conny shook her head "You'll die here on your own." she said.

"I know" he said. He didn't say anything else or explain himself.

"Just let me save you" Conny said a little frustrated.

"Look at me kid, I've lived my youth. I don't think I can beat this virus anyways. You get out of here and don't look back. If you really feel bad visit my shop sometime so it doesn't go to lonely" Ukai said still refusing her help.

"Are you sure? Can't I just try?" she asked.

"No I'm not going to let you do that. So get outta here Conny" he said gesturing towards the door. 

"Okay, I'm sorry" Conny said nodding, and accepting that she couldn't help him.

"Don't be. I lived the life I wanted to live. That's something I can be happy with don't you think?" he replied.

Conny nodded since she was sure that if she spoke now her voice would crack.

"Kageyama isn't in here. You're looking for him aren't you? He left the room after you and Tsukishima left, didn't get a chance to come back yet" Ukai explained.

"Thank you" Conny said. "Goodbye" she added, knowing full well that this was a real 'goodbye' not a 'see you later'.

She turned and left the room, unable to look back. That room had now taken two people away from her.

She moved to another room in search for Kageyama. "Tobio..." she called out again. But there was no one in the room. She noticed her hockey stick abandoned in the corner of the room. So she moved to pick it up.

She continued on, moving from room to room as the fire continued to burn around her. "Tobio..." she called out again her voice sounding weak.

When she got to the final room she felt like collapsing. He wasn't looking for her. He left. She ruined their trust and he took off. She ruined one of the best things she had going for her.

She saw a flash of red out the window and moved towards the window. She noticed Kai and Tsukishima both running away from the school. "Wait" she called out, not wanting to be left alone. But neither of them stopped as her voice was swallowed up by the sounds of the fire and monsters.

"Wait" she called out again but they were now long gone. Conny climbed out through the window they had broken with a stumble.

She swung at any monsters that came near her as she moved as fast as she could manage in the direction the two boys had run off in. After what felt like forever of running she found herself in a small patch of forest. She continued to stumble through the night. At one point she stopped, coughing several times before falling over. She registered that she was on the ground, but she couldn't find the strength to get back to her feet, so instead she rolled into a bush where she would be hidden before her vision went completely blank and she passed out.

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