135 ~ Neighbours

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The three made their way down the familiar path beside the forest towards the prison. Conny couldn't help but grin at the thought of seeing Kageyama again. It had only been a day since she had last seen him but it felt like so much longer.

Yaku was on gate duty and quickly opened the gate when he saw the group walking towards it. "Where have you guys been, we've all been worried" Yaku said helping them get in. Before closing the gate he looked around confused. "Where is Kuroo?" he questioned.

"Kuroo is at Inarizaki right now. We are going to get him back though Yaku" Kimi explained.

"What? We should go now. Is he in danger?" Yaku questioned immediate panic and worry showing on his face.

"He is fine for now. We need to talk to everyone about this first though, there's a lot to be said" Kimi explained.

"Alright I guess" Yaku agreed still looking like he wanted to leave to find Kuroo. Yaku looked over to Kita and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Kita Shinsuke. It is nice to meet you" Kita introduced himself bowing respectfully as he did. Conny couldn't help but notice how nice it was that Kita held onto the same formalities from the world before.

"Yaku Morisuke, if you need anything you can ask me I've been here for a long time" Yaku said in return.

"Thank you" Kita said politely.

"Yeah no problem" Yaku said as he closed the gate.

"Come on Shinsuke I can show you to your cell" Conny said pulling on Kitas arm. She didn't mean to pull him so hard but she was really excited to get into the prison and see Kageyama again.

"Alright, I'm coming" Kita replied following her. He didn't mind at all that she was pulling on his arm to drag him along behind her.

When they arrived inside Kita took in his surroundings, it was definitely different than the factories. Everything had a cozy welcoming feel to it.

"Here Shinsuke! This is the free cell, mine is the one right beside it. There's already blankets and things inside it if you want to make yourself comfortable" Conny said motioning to the empty cell.

"Thank you Conny" Kita said looking into the cell. It definitely wouldn't be as comfortable as his room at Inarizaki but he liked it much more.

"Conny, I thought I heard your voice! You gotta stop going missing like that" a boys voice rang out as he quickly wrapped both arms around Conny.

"I'm sorry Tobio, I'm home now though" Conny said the grin on her face wide as ever as she wrapped her arms around the boys neck.

Kita felt his heart drop at the sight in front of him. He was sure this was probably a heart warming scene where a girl was returning home to her loving boyfriend after going missing but all he could feel was disappointment. Kita didn't entirely know why he was disappointed, this was a new experience to him. Maybe somewhere deep down he wished he could have someone be that happy to see him.

"Tobio this is Kita. He has done so much for me, he is a good friend" Conny said pulling the boy over to meet Kita.

Kita quickly bowed in introduction. "It's nice to meet you" he said the same words that had been drilled into his head.

"I'm Kageyama Tobio, I'm happy to finally get to meet you. I know you're one of the good ones" Kageyama said smiling brightly. He was thankful for Kita, Kita had shown Conny kindness when he had absolutely no obligation to whatsoever. 

"Thank you" Kita replied. "I am going to fix my room up now" he said quickly turning to look into the cell.

"Alrighty! We are next door if you need anything at all" Conny beamed happily.

"Thank you" Kita replied.

"No worries! We are friends" Conny said smiling brightly. Kita felt his eyes widen and mouth curve into the form of a smile at the words of her referring to him as a friend. He found himself wanting to be her friend, he could understand why Atsumu had taken such a fascination with this girl. She was bright and cheerful, everything about her screaming that things were going to be okay.

"Yes we are" Kita said. He was sure that it took longer to develop a friendship but he wanted Connys words to be true. He wanted them to be friends. "I will see you later then" he added bowing as a goodbye before entering his room, he closed the door to give himself a little privacy thankful for the blanket acting as a curtain on the cell door. He needed a few minutes to himself, so much had happened in the span of a few hours and everything was changing so quickly.

Once Kita disappeared into his room Kageyama laced his fingers with Connys to pull her into their bedroom. Before saying a word he pulled the girl into a tight embrace. He knew without either of them needing to say anything that Conny was on the verge of breaking down and needed comfort. Overtime Kageyama learned how to read each of Connys expressions and tell when she needed him, she was an expert at hiding her feelings but he could tell.

"My brain feels like it's gonna explode Tobio" Conny whispered as she clutched the back of his shirt in her hands, her face was buried in his chest taking in the familiar scent of him.

"It's okay. You can tell me everything, I'm here to listen" Kageyama whispered running his fingers gently through her hair.

"I just really want to help everyone. But I think if I try to I'm just going to end up making things worse for everyone. I need to choose who to help but I don't want to and I know the choice should be obvious but why do we even have to fight at all?" Conny said softly. She knew that she was being very vague and probably not making much sense to Kageyama but she didn't know where to begin with explaining everything.

"I know Conny, that's how you always are, you just want people to be okay. I'll help you figure it out, don't worry" Kageyama said in a quiet voice.

Conny looked up to Kageyama. "I think there is going to be a war Tobio. I don't think we can stop it. Neither Atsumu nor Kimi will back down" she explained.

Kageyama made the same face he made when he was deep in thought. Although his next question took Conny by complete surprise. "Do you want to leave?" he asked.

"Leave?" Conny questioned to make sure she understood him properly.

Kageyama nodded. "We could go live in that little house we found back in Miyagi. We'll take anyone else who doesn't want to be a part of the war with us. We don't have to and it also doesn't have to be a permanent thing, whatever you want to do I'll be right there with you" Kageyama explained.

Conny thought about it. The idea of living in that house with him and just being happy sounded almost too good. But how could she just leave? She didn't want to abandon Kimi, or leave Kuroo in the hands of Inarizaki, and she still  wanted to somehow help Atsumu too. Could she really just put everyone else behind her and be happy?

"I need to think about it Tobio... that's a really big decision" Conny mumbled in response.

"Of course, I just wanted you to know that I'll always be by your side no matter what we do" Kageyama replied pulling her into a hug once again. He was happy she was home safe. He had wanted to go out and search for her the moment she didn't return at night but Kai had insisted that they give the three a day to return. 

"Thank you" Conny said holding the boy close.

"Of course. I love you" Kageyama responded giving her a light squeeze. It was still hard for him to believe how far they had come in just over a years span.

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