101 ~ Torture

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Conny had been sitting in the empty room for several hours by herself. She wanted to escape but she was in too much pain to focus on anything. She had eventually stopped crying but the throbbing pain never went away. Her leg hurt, her cheeks hurt, and her two fingers hurt.

She just wanted to be back in her room wrapped up in Kageyamas arms but she had no idea how to get out. Or if Atsumu was even planning on ever letting her go. Maybe he'd just kill her when he got the information he needed out of her.

She stared down at the ring on her finger. "I miss you" she whispered in a sob. This was about a thousand times worse than the first time she was separated from him. This time she was terrified that he might think she abandoned him after he chose her over his own family.

The door suddenly opened reveling the familiar blonde. Her heart sank at the sight of him. She had no idea if he was going to be the nice boy who held her hair back while she puked and left the light on because she was afraid of the dark or the scary boy who shot her and ripped her finger nails out.

"Mornin" he said as he entered.

"It's morning?" Conny asked confused. She glanced behind her at the small window which reveled daylight peeking in.

"Yep, let's have a better day than yesterday okay? I won't lose my temper if ya just answer my questions" Atsumu stated pulling the chair back up to sit down again. Conny nodded slowly, she wanted to answer the questions but she was still going to do what was best for her group.

"How many people can fight?" Atsumu asked the same question as yesterday.

Conny took in a deep breath, preparing herself for the consequences. "Ninety percent" she answered. She had to stick with her original answer. If she changed it to something else high now he would figure out that she was lying and it's a low number. And if she said the real number Atsumu would know just how weak her group was.

Atsumu was glaring at her pissed, but he managed to control his frustration. "Fine we'll come back to that one" he stated.

"How many weapons do you guys have?" he asked instead.

"A large assortment. Including guard gear from the prison" Conny said. Again another lie. They did have enough weapons to defend themselves against the walking monsters but they didn't have nearly enough to fend off an actual attack. And they never actually found the prison gear they had been hoping to retrieve when clearing out more cells.

Atsumu thought about it for a moment trying to decide whether or not to believe the girl.

"Okay, I'm gonna believe you for now. I want a name and description of the leader of yer group" he then said.

"We don't have a leader, we just vote when we need to make a decision" Conny said, she wasn't entirely lying. Kimi and Kuroo were still the two everyone looked to for leadership but they did have a council in place.

"Then who has final say?" Atsumu asked.

"No one we vote, no one gets more say than anyone else" Conny said refusing to tell him Kimi or Kuroos name.

"Yer pissin me off again Conny" Atsumu said glaring at her again.

"My buddy Suna has this old radio, it started talkin one day and we listened in on an interestin conversation between two groups. It's been silent since. Who fixed the two radios?" Atsumu asked.

Conny shook her head. "It was working when we found it" she stated. She was shocked that his group had been listening to the radio months ago, which must have been how he knew there was a group at the prison.

"Another lie" he stated calmly. "You must really think I'm a moron Conny!" he shouted at her. Conny quickly shook her head no holding back her tears. She hated being yelled at like this.

"Suna had to get a guy to fix it because they all shut down, but some people know how to fix em. Someone from yer group fixed it as well. Sunas guy is dead now so I need to know the name and decription of yer guy" Atsumu said.

"He left the group" Conny said quickly in as convincing of a voice she could manage. She wasn't going to give Atsumu Kageyama or Kuroos names.

"Why the hell do you keep lyin to me Conny!?" Atsumu shouted. "First ya say no one did it now ya say he left. You clearly know who did it" he said.

"He isn't with us anymore" Conny cried out in a bit of a plea as the boy stood up and moved closer to her, that dark look on his face once again. He pulled something out of his pocket, Conny immediately recognized it to be a lighter.

She began shaking her head no in fear. She couldn't move to get away as he flicked it on holding it against her forearm. Conny was only able to hold in her tears for a minute before they began to spill out as she cried.

"Did ya know second degree burn is the most painful burn you can get? You'd think third degree but that one's more damaging than painful" Atsumu said looking the girl in the eyes as he continued to hold the flame against her skin.

Atsumu eventually pulled the lighter away from Conny watching her carefully. "Just answer my questions and we can stop" Atsumu said looking at her now blistered arm. "Okay?" he said trying to use a more gentle tone despite how pissed he was.

"I can't tell you names or give you descriptions Miya! I just can't" Conny shouted back.

"I don't give a shit if you don't wanna rat out yer friends Conny! Tell me or I'll do the same thing to yer other arm!" Atsumu shouted threateningly.

Conny thought about his words. She was seriously considering it. "If I tell you then you will stop hurting me?" she asked just to clarify. Atsumu nodded eagerly waiting for her next words. She knew she couldn't lie, the second he found out she was lying he would do far worse than burn her.

Conny fought within herself, no one would be mad with her for breaking. Besides as far as she knew Atsumu didn't want to hurt them, he simply wanted to use them. Kuroo was her childhood friend, it would break his heart to see her in pain like this. He wouldn't blame her for giving his name. Then there was Kageyama, he was her best friend and the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. He was constantly protecting her, if he were there right now he would do anything in his power to help her including giving himself up.

Conny opened her mouth to speak trying to figure out which name to give. Atsumu watched intently waiting for her response, almost excited.

A thought popped into Connys head. Even if Kuroo and Kageyama forgave her for putting them in danger she would never forgive herself.

"I can't tell you..." she whispered in a sob. Conny watched as Atsumus face changed from one of eagerness and excitement to one of pure anger and frustration. He didn't hesitate before moving the lighter to her other arm. Conny screamed out at the pain but the boy didn't seem to care.

"You think it's funny to pretend yer considerin it like that?" Atsumu asked angerly. The frustration clear in his voice.

"No" Conny cried out just waiting for the pain to stop. After several minutes Atsumu did pull the flame away from her.

"I don't wanna look at you right now" he said angerly turning then noticing something on a little table. He picked it up and walked back over to the girl. "Here have some bandages for yer burns" he said as he stuck pieces of duck tape to Connys arms. Without another word he turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Conny couldn't even think about how painful it would be to peel the tape off later because the only thing on her mind was how much pain she was in right now.

"I wanna go home" she cried out in a whisper, with nothing to hear her but the empty room she was left in.

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