106 ~ Mission

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Kimi followed Kayo out to a truck where a group was preparing to leave. The same two were in the front seat as when they found Kimi. She was pretty sure Akaashi had called them Haruki and Konaha. Bokuto was opening the back door to the truck.

"Kayo! Are you coming on this one?" he asked excitedly when he noticed the two walking towards the truck.

"Yeah, I'm bringing a plus one too" Kayo said motioning to Kimi, glancing over to the girl with a flirtatious grin.

"Cool! Do you want a machine gun?" Bokuto asked looking at Kimi. Kimi had to admit that the idea of shooting a machine gun did excite her a little.

"You can go for it if you want. Akaashi won't care as long as you're not shooting any of us" Kayo said nodding her head towards the weapon in Bokutos hand when she saw Kimis excited expression.

"Alright" Kimi said moving to take the weapon from Bokuto. The boy quickly disappeared into the back of the truck finding another one.

"Is Akaashi not coming?" Kimi questioned.

"No, he's a little occupied right now. Bo's gonna lead the mission" Kayo answered as she climbed into the back of the truck and leaned over to offer Kimi a hand up. Kimi accepted the hand, climbing into the truck as well.

As soon as they were all inside the truck it began to leave, pulling away from the safe community.

"So how do you guys find people?" Kimi asked curious. She wasn't entirely sure how Bokuto and Akaashi had figured out where she was when they found her.

"Mostly we just drive around, but when we find areas that seemed to have been cleared recently we take an extra good look" Bokuto explained positioning his machine gun to point out the back of the truck, preparing to shoot the walking monsters. His explanation did make sense though, Kimi had cleared out the neighbourhood the best she could before crashing in one of the houses.

"Have you guys ever had someone not come back with you?" she asked. If Fukurodani was accepting everyone the only reason someone would have to say no would be if they had a larger group.

"We've had a few decline. Although most people are usually overjoyed" Kayo chimed in.

"Try shooting the machine gun Kimi! Just aim out the back of the truck and fire away at them! It's a real stress reliever!" Bokuto said excitedly pointing to a group that were chasing after the truck.

Kimi glanced over to Kayo who shrugged and nodded towards the walkers as if to say go for it. Kimi held up the gun Bokuto had given her, aiming for the group. Although she realized as she fired that she didn't really need to aim since the thing just rapid fired anyways, as long as she had the gun pointed in the right direction she would have hit them.

As much as she hated to admit it, there was something very entertaining about firing the machine gun. But she kept that messed up thought to herself, even though Bokuto was very open about how much he enjoyed using the weapon.

She kind of felt a little giddy to tell Conny about it, she knew that Conny would pout because she missed out. Kimi couldn't help but chuckle at the thought.

The truck suddenly stopped. Bokuto hopped out of the back. "That's our cue" Kayo said lightly slapping Kimis back before following Bokuto out. Kimi was quick to jump out as well. Bokuto was up by the drivers window.

"There's a pile of dead ones over there, figured we should check out this store in case someone is still in here" the boy driving explained.

"Alrighty! Thanks Haruki!" Bokuto said before moving away from the window. "You ladies ready?" he asked turning to the other two.

"Yep, got your back" Kayo said giving a thumbs up. Kimi simply nodded. She decided to put the machine gun over her shoulder, deciding to hold onto her gun instead. If she needed to kill any walkers she felt much more confident safely using the gun she had become accustomed to.

As they entered the store they were met with two people. One at the front had climbed up on top of a shelving unit in a desperate attempt to stay out of the way of the walkers surrounding him. The other was at the back of the store fighting off a swarm with a machete.

Bokuto and Kayo immediately ran over to the first boy to stop the swarm from knocking down the shelf he was on. Kimi decided to race to the back of the store while they were doing that.

By the time she made it back there the boy had gotten rid of majority of them. However, there were a few coming up behind him while he dealt with the ones in front of him. So Kimi aimed her gun, careful not to hit the boy she shot at the monsters in behind him killing each one.

Once all the monsters that were swarming him were dead he turned his attention to Kimi giving her an icy glare. His face breifly flashed a look of recognition, then quickly dismissed it. "I didn't need any help" he simply stated before pushing past her and walking towards the entrance of the store.

"You're welcome" Kimi sarcastically said to herself while rolling her eyes. Kimi looked over to Bokuto and Kayo who had already helped the other boy, he was respectfully bowing to them giving them his thanks.

Kimi decided to follow the boy to the front of the store where the others were. He was fairly tall, dark brown hair, and he slouched while he walked.

"Oh HEY! Glad to see Kimi helped you out! We have an offer for you two!" Bokuto said enthusiastically as the boy made his way to the front of the store.

"Not interested" the boy quickly dismissed. But Bokuto didn't seem to be fazed by his cold tone.

The other boy who had been thanking the other two looked at Kimi with confusion. "Sawamura?" he questioned.

Kimi was instantly confused, she looked at the boy trying to bring up some memory of where she might know him from, but nothing surfaced. He had a recognizable look to him, grey hair with dark tips and pretty brown eyes, she would sure she would remember him if she knew him. "Do you know me?" Kimi asked.

The boy nodded about to speak but was interrupted by the other. "Do you have your shit Kita?" he asked harshly.

"Yes, I hopefully got enough for a while" he replied with a quick nod. He was holding an assortment of bandages and medicines.

"Wait, do you two have a group or something? If you don't we are taking in people" Bokuto said quickly before the two could leave.

"We aren't interested" the brunette answered again using a harsh tone. Bokuto seemed to pout this time, his head slumping. Kimi couldn't help but notice a flash of longing cross the other boy, Kitas, face as if he wanted to go with them.

"Let's go Kita! This was already a waste of my time" the boy said sounding annoyed as he opened the door to exit.

"Wait, how do you know me?" Kimi asked before Kita could follow his acquaintance.

He stopped, giving her a weird look. "I operated on your leg. Don't you remember?" he asked.

"Kita! Let's go!" the other boy shouted.

"Sorry, I must go. Thank you again for your kindness" Kita said, bowing to the three of them before following the other boy out the door into the street.

Kimi let his words swirl around in her head for a moment, she had never had anything wrong with her leg in her entire life. What the hell was he talking about?

Kimi continued to think when she noticed the other two. "What's he doing?" she asked Kayo looking to Bokuto who was sitting cross legged on the floor with his shoulders slumped.

"Oh this happens sometimes, just give him a minute he'll be back to normal" Kayo explained looking down at the boy.

Kimi laughed, it reminded her of Conny pouting to get Daichi to give her junk food when they were younger.

Then it clicked. Conny. If Conny met that boy recently he would have no idea that she was a twin, unless she said so. Which left the question of what happened to Connys leg? The thought didn't sit well with her.

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