18 ~ Skating

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Everyone made their way over to the other side of the building. Each person found a pair of roller skates that fit them well enough.

Kageyama sat beside Conny to put his on. "You going to need me to hold your hand?" he teased the girl playfully.

"Oh please. I played ten years of hockey, I know how to skate. But I could always hold your hand to stop you from falling on your ass," she offered with grin.

Kageyama stood up on his skates a little shaky. "Think I'll take you up on that offer," he said holding out his hand for her to take.

Conny took his hand beginning to skate with him. Kageyama was a little unsteady but not completely unstable. He would have probably been fine on his own, but it was easier to have the support of leaning on another person.

"So what? Your dad didn't teach you how to skate?" Conny asked almost giggling.

Kageyama grinned at her. "Actually, no he didn't," he replied.

"Well lucky for you I am a supreme skater," Conny said tightening her grip on his hand before going faster. He kept pace with her though, depending on her hand for stability.


Kimi quickly put on her skates then began doing a couple jumps to adjust to them, almost like wearing in a new pair of shoes. She glanced over at the others, it seemed like they were doing okay. Kai knew the basics of skating, and although he wasn't as good as her or Conny he could still skate on his own.

Hinata was flying around "HOW DO YOU STOP THESE THINGS?" he called out in a fit of laughter.

"Don't go that fast if you can't control them idiot," Kageyama called out to him but it didn't seem to matter because Hinata was still laughing, pushing off to go faster.

Kimi continued to scan the crowd, she saw Kageyama holding onto Conny's hand. Conny would be fine with handling him. She turned her attention to the tall, freckled boy on the ground. She skated over to him, stopping in front of him. "Did you fall?" she asked.

He looked up at her. "Yeah," he said shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Here, let me help you," she said as she offered him a hand up.

"Thanks," Tadashi said accepting her hand and standing up, still very shaky and unstable.

"Yeah, no problem," Kimi responded. She felt like she already owed Tadashi so much after shooting him, so she was willing to do just about anything to help him out.

"So, you are going to want to push off with one foot, then the other. There is a stopper on the back of the skate if you need it but you mostly just make a bunch of turns to gradually slow down, like skiing... Not that I've ever skied," Kimi explained.

"Thanks, you mind skating beside me until I get the hang of it?" he asked.

"Yeah of course! But give it a try," Kimi said, urging him to go a little faster. Tadashi let go of her hand and gave a small push forward in response. At first he was really bad but he was slowly getting better.

"Hey Kimi," he suddenly said when the two of them were secluded in an area.

"What's up?" she asked.

"You shouldn't get so mad at Tsuki. He acts all tough, but he's never killed one of those things before. I think he still sees them as people," Tadashi explained.

Kimi took a minute to think about his words. The thought had never crossed her mind. Maybe she could have been a little more understanding, not that he was easy to get along with. But she was starting to understand that he was a lot more like her than she would like to admit, in his situation she would never admit that she needed help either.

"Okay I'll try. Thanks for telling me," she said giving the boy a smile. Kimi glanced over to Tsukishima who was sitting on a bench, watching everyone else.

"I think I got the hang of it now," Tadashi said getting the feeling that Kimi wanted to go talk to Tsukishima.

"Okay then, I'll be back," Kimi replied, skating over to Tsukishima.

"Put them on," she ordered pointing to the skates beside him.

"No thank you," he responded.

"Come on, put them on. We are going to be bringing the skates home so you are going to need a pair so you can keep up with the group. Unless you want to be left behind on your own?" she argued.

He gave her a scowl. "Fine," he said putting on the skates. Once they were on he continued to sit there, refusing to stand.

"Come on," Kimi said softening her expression. He just frowned at her.

"Would you rather learn out there? Besides no one is even paying attention, they won't know that you needed help. I won't tell," Kimi said holding out her hand for him.

Tsukishima thought for a moment before finally accepting her hand. They began to skate together. Tsukishima seemed very nervous, clinging to Kimi's hand as if he would die if he let go.

"You know they just look human. They aren't actually human. It's okay to kill them," Kimi said unsure if she was overstepping boundaries.

"I know that," Tsukishima snapped, quickly moving his head upwards to look up and not allow eye contact between them.

"Okay. Conny was the same way at first and look at her now," Kimi said still wanting to find a way to help the boy.

"That's not why I don't kill them. I know they are monsters," Tsukishima replied looking back at her again.

"Oh, well why not then?" Kimi questioned confused as to what another reason for not killing the monsters might be.

"I don't know how to kill them," Tsukishima said with almost a hint of shyness behind his voice. It seemed so out of character for him that Kimi was left in shock for a moment.

"It's not that hard, I can teach you tomorrow if you want," she offered. Despite him driving her crazy she really did want to help him.

Tsukishima thought for a moment before responding. "Yeah, I think I would like that," he said. But to Kimi's surprise there was no reluctance to his voice, it was a genuine response.

As the seven of them made their way back to Karasuno they found the trip pretty uneventful. They decided to keep their roller skates on for the journey back.

Conny and Kageyama had taken the lead killing anything in the way. Tadashi and Kai stayed in the middle of the group. Kimi took the back, continuing to help Tsukishima. Hinata was off to the side skating as fast as he could, holding out a blade and slashing any monsters he could.

When they reached the familiar gate they put in the password on the keypad they had recently added before going back into the school grounds. Luckily no one woke up while they were gone so they didn't need to explain their outing to anyone. But as they made their way back to their beds, no one felt the slightest hint of regret about the trip.

They were all teenagers after all, each needing a little rebellion and fun in their lives. 

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