75 ~ Bus

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"So I hate to be the one who has to ask this, but what now? We can't possibly all stay here forever" Daichi questioned. Everyone was gathered around the kitchen and living room of the Sawamura house.

"Well it's gonna be difficult to walk around everywhere, so we'll have to find a few vehicles so we can be safe but still all stick together. But I'm still not even sure where we can go" Kimi said.

"Actually can I make a suggestion about that?" Kageyama piped up from his seat on the floor beside the couch at Connys feet.

"Yeah of course" Kimi said as everyone looked over to Kageyama.

"Well Conny and I were staying at a house for the past month or so, there was a house across the street from it that had one of those mini bus things parked in the driveway. We could use that" Kageyama suggested.

"Oh yeah! I remember seeing it multiple times on our walks!" Conny added to the boys statement.

"That's actually not a bad idea. Is it far from here?" Kimi asked.

"It's not far. Between here and Karasuno" Kageyama explained. "Also it wouldn't hurt to drive out to the gun store Conny and I first went to when we were back at Karasuno after the initial attack on the school. We left some and I have a feeling no one would have found them. Plus it wouldn't hurt to have the extra protection" Kageyama added.

Kimi nodded. "Yeah let's do that. It was a bit farther out right?" she asked recalling that Conny and Kageyama had to travel farther away to retrieve the guns.

"Yeah, close to Tokyo but still in Miyagi" Kageyama said.

"Sounds like a plan then, let's go now while it's still morning" Daichi said standing up. The group slowly filed out until only Daichi, Kimi, and Conny remained standing in the hallway looking at the place they all grew up in.

"Think we'll ever see this place again?" Kimi questioned.

"Honestly, I doubt it and kind of hope not. We've got to accept our new life which means we also have to let go of our old one. We'll find a new home again, one that is safe where we can all just grow up like kids are supposed to"  Daichi said smiling at the house.

"I like that idea" Conny said smiling. "Come on let's get going" she added punching his shoulder before turning and leaving. Kimi nodded following behind Conny. Daichi however, took another minute staring at the house before finally turning away and walking out the door, not looking back.

The group followed behind Kageyama and Conny who led the way to the street they were staying on, Kimi was right behind them walking with Tadashi.

"Oh Kimi! That's our house! Isn't it pretty?" Conny said excitedly pointing to the home that her and Kageyama lived in for a short period of time.

"Yeah it's nice" Kimi said grinning up at the tiny home. She watched as Kageyama wrapped an arm around her sister, she was happy that Conny found someone like him. She was thankful for him, he had already done so much for Conny, he was there for her when she couldn't be.

"Oh look there's the bus!" Conny said looking back to Kimi, excitedly pointing at it.

"I'll quickly break into the house and find the keys" Kageyama said moving his arm from Conny and jogging ahead. He returned quickly. "Found it" he called out holding up the keys.

"I can take the first shift of driving" Sugawara called out holding out his hand as Kageyama tossed him the keys.

Conny found a seat beside Kageyama, putting her hand in his as they sat there. As the bus drove down the road Kageyama had been staring out the window for a while.

"What's on your mind?" Conny asked quietly.

Kageyama moved his attention to Conny instead of the window. "Honestly?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you can tell me" Conny said. She wanted to be the person he trusted with his secrets, the same way she trusted him with every one of her secrets.

Kageyama grinned. "I was just wondering how the hell I'm gonna find another condom" he said.

Conny couldn't help but laugh as she punched his arm. "I thought you were being serious for once, I was worried about you!" she said shaking her head at him.

"I am being serious! I don't think either of us are ready for parenthood, so we have to find another one, especially since I'm pretty sure just a wrapper won't do us much good" Kageyama said laughing, as he pulled the condom wrapper out of his pocket to show her.

Conny laughed again as well. "I still can't believe you are keeping that stupid thing" Conny replied. Then she noticed something in the corner of her eye. "Oh fuck, Daichi is staring at you. He's gonna beat the shit out of you" she whispered.

Kageyamas eyes widened. "Fuck, what do I do?" he asked. Daichi now motioned for Kageyama to come over to him.

"Good luck, it was nice knowing you" Conny said patting his back and pushing him towards Daichi. Kageyama moved to sit beside Daichi. Conny watched the two talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. After several minutes Kageyama climbed back into the seat to sit beside her.

"What did he say?" Conny whispered to Kageyama. 

"Not much, he gave me this and told me to 'be safe'" Kageyama said pulling a new condom out of his pocket.

"Ew!" Conny yelled at the idea that her brother gave her boyfriend a condom.

"I think I might be traumatized" Kageyama said staring straight ahead.

"You're traumatized?! We are NOT using that!" Conny said in disgust.

"Agreed" Kageyama said nodding


Kimi and Kai sat together in silence, both staring ahead neither talking for the beginning of the drive.

"We need to talk about this Kimi..." Kai finally worked up the courage to say.

"Talk Kai? And what is it you want to talk about? Do you want to tell me that I am a terrible person for leaving them there? Is that what you want to say?" Kimi asked refusing to look at the boy.

"I just don't understand why you didn't even entertain the idea of bringing them with us, or even just freeing them so they could stand a fighting chance" Kai said.

"We didn't have time Kai! It was a choice I made that I now have to live with so just leave it be!" Kimi yelled at him still staring straight ahead.

"But what happened to the Kimi that refused to let people stay out there on their own when we could help them? Don't you remember when we had that argument back at Karasuno because we kept letting people join our group?" Kai argued back.

"I get it Kai! I've changed! I'm an awful person! You don't have to remind me because guess what? I already know!" Kimi yelled standing up since the bus had stopped as Conny and Kageyama were already getting off to collect the guns.

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