95 ~ On My Own

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Kimi walked down the road, it was still morning so she had lots of time to figure out what she was going to do before night. Despite the world being dominated by monsters she wasn't afraid. She just held onto her golf club and continued walking.

She found her way to the entrance into the streets of Tokyo almost instantly noticing the mini mall Kenma and Conny had talked about. But she didn't want to stay there, she needed to go somewhere she could just be alone for a while without being found.

She was almost positive that as soon as Conny found out about her leaving she would insist on coming out to find her. So she needed to be smart about where she stayed. At the same time she no interest in going anywhere near the busier areas of Tokyo.

She settled for moving along the outer areas of the city, there were still significantly more walkers in the streets than in Miyagi even just along the edges of the city. Kimi stopped when she made it to a smaller looking neighbourhood, it almost reminded her of the area Kuroo and Kenma used to live in.

She continued killing the monsters on the street climbing the steps of the first house. She tried to open the door but as she suspected it was locked. "Damn where's Kageyama when I actually need him. Although he'd probably just make fun of me anyways" she mumbled to herself.

She decided to move to the side door instead, not wanting to break the lock on the front door since she was fully expecting more monsters to wander onto the street of her little neighbourhood in just a short period of time.

It only took a few whacks at the door knob for Kimi break it letting the door swing open. She shut it and quickly moved some furniture to block it from opening again.

The house was cleared, she imagined the owners were now lifelessly walking the streets of Tokyo.

Kimi made her way to the kitchen finding some instant ramen. She poured a bottle of water into a pot and moved to the backyard building a fire to heat the water. Once that was done she made the ramen and moved back into the house shutting and locking the door behind her.

She found that she was more tired than she usually was, the stress of everything that had happened in the past few hours was really getting to her. So Kimi laid down on the couch. Surprisingly enough it was more comfortable than the bed in the cell she had been sleeping in for the past couple of months.

She couldn't help but miss the feel of Kais hand on her waist or the way he held her like a teddy bear the night they celebrated Christmas. She wanted to hear his goofy laugh again and watch him do something dorky like making his own homemade mistletoe.

But Kimi couldn't have both Kais. She couldn't have the goofy best friend and the loving partner. They just didn't work that way. They were just better as friends and as much as it hurt the both of them, they both knew it.

Still she couldn't stop herself from wondering if Kai was laying alone thinking about her right now.

Kimi slowly allowed herself to drift off to sleep, letting go off all her stresses and worries for a few hours of peace.


When Kimi opened her eyes again she was met with a pair of yellow owl-like eyes staring down at her.

She screeched startled by the sudden presence of another human and the closeness of the boy. "Hi!" he said excitedly as she blinked a few times to make sure he was real. He had black and grey hair that stood up and thick grey eyebrows that bounced up in excitement as he spoke.

"Hi?" Kimi said confused after a few minutes of him staring at her. He seemed very different than every other stranger she had met for the past few months.

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