98 ~ Fukurodani

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Kimi looked at the boy in front of her who was waiting for an answer. He seemed nice and she wanted to go with him. But at the same time she couldn't help but feel like she would be betraying everyone she cared about if she openly went with another group.

"You don't have to stay. Just come for a while, rest up or do whatever you need to then we can bring you back here. It might be nice to take a little break from being on your own, don't you think?" Akaashi said in his same calm manner.

Kimi finally decided that he was a good person, his words seemed sincere. 

"You know what? Okay. I'll go to your place for a little bit. But I can't stay forever" Kimi decided. She never would have went with the two if Bokuto hadn't mentioned that he knew Kuroo. She trusted that someone Kuroo was friends with wouldn't hurt her.

"Okay, great the truck is in the front" Akaashi said standing. Kimi followed the boy out the door. She had been expecting to see a pick up truck but instead she was met with a moving truck, the back door wide open. There were two boys in the front seat of the truck.

Kimi found it strange that Akaashi never asked for her weapons but she wasn't about to complain about it, she was much more comfortable holding onto them than she was leaving herself vulnerable. 

"Haruki, Konaha, we are going to go back home for now. We can come back out again later" Akaashi spoke to the two in the front seat. 

"Sure thing boss!" the one in the drivers seat said. It was clear that Akaashi was the one in charge. Neither of the two seemed to be surprised by Kimis presence which made her question how often they took in new people. And if that was the case, how well off were they.

"You can come in the back of the truck with me Sawamura" Akaashi said politely, motioning his head for her to follow him.

"Oh just Kimi is okay with me. I have a twin sister so I've always just gone by my first name" Kimi said as she climbed into the truck behind Akaashi.

"Right, Bokuto said that" Akaashi stated.

"Yeah Akaashi, Conny. She is that girl Kuroo always repeated his jokes from" Bokuto said jumping into the conversation. Kimi couldn't help but notice the skunk sitting beside Bokuto, but she chose not to bring attention to it.

"Yeah, Conny is really funny. Kuroo always laughed at her jokes" Kimi said smiling at the memory of the world before. She felt a little guilt wash over her for leaving them without any word, she knew Conny would be upset about it. But she would be back soon, she just needed to get away for a little time.

"Tell me if I am overstepping, but I can't help but notice that you use the present tense when speaking about your sister, which leads me to believe that she is still alive. So if that is the case, why are you here with us and not with her?" Akaashi asked. Kimi had to admit that the boy was extremely observant about things.

Kimi wasn't sure how to answer, she wasn't about to tell him about the whole situation of her killing a man when she wasn't supposed to. 

"That's complicated. I messed up bad, so I had to step away from them for a while. I have no regrets though, I'll go back when I'm ready to" Kimi explained without giving too many details.

"I see" Akaashi said simply not prying for details.

"Akaashi!!! Look at them all! I'm gonna try to kill em!" Bokuto said excitedly looking out the open truck door at a bunch of walkers.

"Alright Bokuto" Akaashi said with little care as he leaned against the wall of the truck.

"Okay!" Bokuto said holding up some sort of machine gun. He began firing rapidly at the monsters, laughing psychotically as he did. Kimi watched in concern as the excitable boy shot down monster after monster.

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