91 ~ Vote

21 1 0

Later that day a small group gathered in a large room that used to be used for laundry, they stood around a table in the middle of the room that was originally designed for folding clothes.

The people meeting were the few agreed upon by the group to have a voting say in the leadership. This included Kimi, Kuroo, Daichi, Yaku, Kai, Kageyama, Conny, Kenma, Iwazumi, Koganegawa, and Aone.

"We need to kill him. He could easily be lying about his crime. Which means we can't keep him around here. It's too dangerous with Mai, Natsu, and Tanjiro" Kimi stated starting the conversation about their new prisoner.

"We can't just kill him, he said he had a daughter. You would be taking that girls father away from her" Kai argued back.

"Kai, I hate to be the downer here but his daughter probably isn't alive. And if she is he isn't going to be able to find her" Kimi said, not showing any remorse.

"What the hell Kimi! Just because she might be dead isn't a good reason to kill her father" Kai shouted clearly angry at the situation.

"He is a criminal, he clearly wasn't there for her anyways! He was probably a terrible father" Kimi argued back, Kai could tell that she was starting to compare this man to her own father which was causing her to get frustrated.

"Okay Kimi, we know where you stand. Kai what is your suggestion?" Kuroo asked trying to diffuse the situation.

"We keep him in the cell until we can trust him the same way we did with Oikawa and Iwazumi" Kai stated.

"Oikawa and Iwazumi weren't criminals. He has a lot more potential of being dangerous than either of them ever did. I'm with Kimi" Kenma intrupted in an emotionless voice. He wore a look that almost displayed a disinterest in the whole situation, as if they were deciding what to eat instead of whether to kill a man or not.

"He said he locked the door and just stayed in there for all this time. Which meant that he was just listening to everyone else die outside the door instead of letting them in" Iwazumi said jumping into the conversation.

"But that could be because he didn't know who to trust, there are some real criminals in here. He would have to be careful with who he is letting into the cafeteria" Koganegawa offered a rebuttal to Iwazumis statement.

"But then doesn't that still lead to the same problem. We can't trust him the same way he couldn't trust the other criminals" Yaku said.

"What if we just let him go free. We force him to leave then we don't have to kill him but he won't cause any problems here" Kuroo suggested.

"If he's been stuck in here all this time he'll just die anyways so we might as well give him an easy death then" Kimi said.

"But then we'd be the ones killing him, that is still wrong. At least this way we are giving him a fighting chance" Daichi stated.

"Yeah we don't want to become bad people, if we let him go we won't become the people we are scarred of" Kai added onto Daichis statement.

"We still run a huge risk by letting him go" Kageyama spoke. Everyone looked over to the boy who had been silently listening until now, the one who liked to stay quiet on the sidelines. By now pretty much everyone knew just how capable this boy was, and that his opinion was probably the most important to take into consideration.

"I'm just saying that if we let him go he now knows where we are. He could potentially return for an attack one day wanting what we have. Why should we run that risk? Why should we put our lives on the line for one man?" Kageyama explained his thinking.

"So we are just going to throw away a mans life because of a possibility of something maybe happening?" Kai asked frustrated.

"It's better than throwing away the lives of our group because of him" Kimi argued back.

"Alright, does anyone else have something to add or has everyone already made up their mind about voting?" Kuroo asked trying to once again settle everyone down. Everyone seemed to be just arguing back and forth, already having a strong opinion for one side or the other.

Everyone went silent. "Okay" Kuroo said carefully looking around him at the small group of people. "I'm going to go ahead and say that no one wants a criminal to be sleeping in the room next to them at night. So we will vote on whether we should kill the man or send him out on his own" Kuroo stated. Everyone nodding in agreement. There was an odd number of people so no matter what there would be a decision made today.

"I'll start with my vote to release him" Kuroo said.

"I say kill him" Kimi said flatly still a little frustrated.

"Let him go, we don't have to be monsters" Kai said refusing to look at Kimi.

"I have to agree with Kai" Koganegawa said. Aone nodded in agreement to Koganegawas statement as his vote.

"Okay four for send, one for kill. Yaku?" Kuroo said looking to the next person at the table.

"I have to go with Kimi on this one, it just seems so much smarter, we haven't had problems yet so why risk it?" Yaku said.

"Kill" Kenma said simply when it was his turn to speak.

"I don't want us to kill him when there are other options" Daichi said casting his vote to send the man away.

"Okay, one more vote for send and we are done here" Kuroo said looking at the final three people.

"I wanna kill the guy. He is obviously here for a reason simple as that" Iwazumi stated.

Kageyama looked around the table, thinking over his options before speaking. "We've already been through enough BS getting here so I'm not taking the risk of losing someone close to me by trusting this guys words. Kill him, we don't owe him anything" he said.

"Alright it's all up to you then" Kuroo said as everyone looked at the girl who hadn't spoken yet.

Conny ran her hand through her hair, clearly deep in thought. "It's always been wrong to kill people without good reason, we have no proof that this man ever did anything worth losing his life..." Conny stated, then she thought about Kenmas words from when the two were out on a supply run. "But since the world went to shit our morals have needed to adjust to fit it, because what once was a bad thing could now be a good thing and what once wasn't that bad could now be terrible. Which only makes it that much harder to judge someones actions" she added. Everyone had their attention on the girl watching her intently waiting for her final decision.

"It's already awful that a bunch of teenagers have to sit here and debate over whether a man should live or die. I know we've been through some real fucked up shit already, but this is probably the most fucked up thing I've had to do yet. Decide whether someone I've never even spoken to deserves to live" she claimed clearly having an inner fight with herself over what she should do.

"Conny that's just the way the world is now. You know well that people can't be trusted, so yeah we're forced to make decisions like this" Kimi said softly as she watched her sister. It hurt Kai to watch how much Conny was considering something she never would have given a second thought to before.

"I know that Kimi. I know that most people still surviving are more monsters but I don't want us to become just another one of those monsters. Which is why I can never get behind us killing someone who hasn't done something to earn a death sentence yet" Conny said in a quiet voice. Then she looked over to Kuroo. "I vote for him to live" she stated.

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