20 ~ Driving

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It was still fairly early when Conny rolled out of bed, it was weird for her to wake up so early. In normal situations she would enjoy sleeping in until at least noon but given the circumstances she found herself waking up significantly earlier than normal.

Conny walked down the hallway but stopped when she noticed a boy sitting in one of the rooms. She couldn't stop herself from entering the room with a wide grin at the sight in front of her. Kageyama was sitting in an office chair gently rocking Mai in his arms while quietly humming to the sleeping baby.

"Wow, this sight somehow surprises me! So did your dad teach you how to take care of babies?" Conny whispered as she took a seat on the desk beside Kageyama's chair.

Kageyama couldn't help but laugh a bit at her question. Conny's amusement by his father always made him chuckle a bit, although he knew his dad wasn't necessarily a normal parent.

"No this is something I am completely new to," he admitted still grinning.

"No babysitting lessons?" Conny asked.

"No, I never had a younger sibling, only an older sister. I guess that's a good thing now though. Besides I was always too busy with volleyball," he explained.

"Ah I see. Well unlike you I actually took the babysitting course," Conny announced proudly.

"How'd it go?" Kageyama questioned raising an eyebrow, actually curious about the answer.

"They failed me. Apparently I am too childish and not responsible enough to look after children," Conny said laughing at the memory. Kageyama chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Conny said jumping up pretending she was preparing to fight him.

"It's just I can honestly see that happening," he told her still laughing. Conny shook her head at him with a small grin. She found herself grinning often around him.

"To be fair I'm more responsible than you! Mr. I need to find condoms right away," Conny argued in a mocking tone. Kageyama grinned slipping his hand into his pocket to pull out the condom packet.

"You are just carrying that around now!?" Conny asked trying to snatch the packet from him, but he quickly avoided her by moving his hand.

"Yeah, you never know when I might need it. I have a bet to win after all," he said grinning as Conny continued her attempt to snatch the condom from him.

"I'm going to steal that stupid thing from you and then I'll win using it," she said giving up on her attempts to steal it from him.

"I'll guard this thing with my life, you'll never take it," Kageyama said chuckling at the expression Conny gave him as he spoke.

"Alright, I'm going to give Mai to Sugawara and the two of us can venture out to get a few things. We are running pretty low on food and the garden is still in the process of growing," he said, standing up being careful not to wake Mai who was still fast asleep.

"Oh, you decided we are?" Conny questioned grinning.

"Well, I mean you don't have to come," he said shrugging. Then a stupid grin crossed his face. "Or I could take Kimi and see if she wants to help me win a bet," he joked.

"Shut up, she is WAY out of your league!" Conny teased, laughing at the idea of either of them ever liking each other.

"Hey she is not!" Kageyama argued back.

"Sure," Conny replied sarcastically as she flicked his forehead. Kageyama shook his head smiling at her.

"Go get ready dork. I'll meet you at the front after I find Sugawara," Kageyama said, knowing she wanted to go along with him on his mission. Conny nodded before skipping away to wait for him.

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