23 ~ Blood Bath

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Conny immediately felt the guilt overwhelm her as she opened the gate to her home for the dangerous people to enter. She didn't know what else to do though. She didn't want to test their patience and the mans threat terrified her.

As the gate swung open, she felt a hand wrap around her arm. "Good girl. Now come follow me into the truck," the man in charge said tightening his grip on her arm.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a dog. And I thought you were just going to kill me anyways so why waste your effort dragging me around?" Conny spat at the man. It was completely out of the ordinary for her to bravely talk back to someone like that, but she couldn't hold in her hatred towards the man any longer. Plus she didn't think she could really make the situation much worse anyways.

"Someone's bold," the man said chuckling a bit, still not letting go of her arm. Conny glared at him. But he just laughed some more. "I'm keeping you in case things get messy, you could always make a good shield. Besides I find you quite amusing, doll," he explained as he began to pull her towards the truck.

"Fucking asshole," Conny mumbled making the man laughed some more as if she were a complete joke to him.

"Do you not realize the situation you are in right now? You should probably watch your mouth there," he said warningly as he opened the door to the truck and roughly pushed her inside only to climb in after her.

"Wow are you dense! You said you would kill me anyways, so I really don't see the point in sucking up to you, dumbass," Conny said in a mocking tone.

"Watch your mouth. Or I might just decide a slow death fits best for your group instead," the man threatened finally showing signs that Conny's words were getting to him. At the threat Conny was silent for the rest of the ride to the front of the school.

Conny was then marched out of the truck and through the front doors of the school. The man had a tight grip on her hair forcing her to walk in front of him as a shield. By now they had caught the attention of various people. Daichi's eyes widened in fear at the sight. The sight was as bad as any nightmare his mind could conjure up.

"I want every single one of you to line up here!" the man shouted pointing in front of him with a gun. Daichi noticed Kageyama also being brought in. Unlike Conny, Kageyama was just walked in normally the only thing indicating he was in trouble were his hands being bound behind his back.

"We can talk about this," Daichi said calmly, trying his best to defuse the dangerous situation when he really just wanted to beat the living shit out of the man yanking on his sister's hair.

"No talking. We are putting a bullet into the heads of each one of you, then taking over this place. You can thank your two friends here for giving up your location," the man shouted in response.

In the middle of the crowd going completely unnoticed Kageyama silently worked on his restraints with his knife. He was almost positive he would end up dying if he attacked the people, but maybe some of their group could survive then. It was a risk he knew he had to take.

"I'm starting with you," the man said as he shoved Conny to the ground and instantly pressed the barrel of his gun to Daichi's forehead.

Conny desperately swung her fist the hardest she could at the man. Delivering a crotch shot. The mans arm swung down in pain as the shot was fired at the ground.

"You bitch!" the man shouted kicking her in the face. Conny fell backwards as the man struggled to catch his breath from the sudden pain. "Do it!" he shouted to the man Conny had assumed was second in command.

The other man held up a gun, pointing it at Daichi. Everyone heard the gunshot. Conny's heart dropped as she tried to regain her feet acting somewhat like a wild animal. She instantly looked over to her brother in pure fear as tears formed in her eyes. Daichi just stood there though, eyes wide open as he watched the blood spill out from the attacker's throat from where he had been shot. Within seconds the man was dead on the ground.

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