63 ~ Horror

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"Morning Kimi!" Kimi heard the red heads voice as she opened her eyes to the sun leaking in from behind the curtains. Her and Kai had been sharing a room with Natsu ever since they met up again. Tsukishima and Tadashi were staying in the other room with Mai.

"Morning" she said sleepily, still wishing for a few more minutes of sleep. It was strange because she found herself getting a lot more sleep here than she ever did at Karasuno, yet the sleep seemed to only make her greedy for more sleep.

"I was thinking about something" Kai said as Kimi rolled over to face her childhood friend. Natsu was already missing from the bed more than likely playing with the assortment of toys in the other room.

"What's that?" Kimi asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"About Date Tech, we should go back and check on them. Let them know what happened to us. Might be nice just to at least give them an update." Kai said.

Kimi hadn't thought about Date Tech since before the fire. But considering how nice and friendly they were to them, it would be thoughtful of them to at least go see how they are doing.

"Okay we should go, it's not too far. I have keys to the vehicle in the driveway so we could drive down there." Kimi agreed.

"Alright" Kai said.

"But with Jozenji still visiting Date Tech I think it would be safer if we don't take Mai and Natsu. So maybe just us should go" Kimi added.

"Yeah, probably smart" Kai agreed.

"I'll go let Tsuki and Tadashi know where we are going" Kimi said as she dragged herself out of bed and down the hall towards the other room.

"Hey Tadashi, where's Tsuki?" Kimi asked walking into the room, noticing only Tadashi was there holding Mai in his arms.

"Oh he just went to the bathroom he should be back soon. Do you need him?" Tadashi asked.

"No I just needed to talk to one of you actually. So a while ago when Kai and I went out on a search for food we ran into a different group, Date Tech. They have been working as a nursing home and had asked us to be allies with them. Kai and I are going back there to let them know what's going on with our group. We should hopefully be back by tonight, if not we'll be here tomorrow so don't worry too much about us" Kimi explained. "You guys are okay with Natsu and Mai?" she asked.

"Yeah of course. Be careful out there though. It's still really dangerous" Tadashi said nodding in understanding.

"Yeah, we'll be careful" Kimi assured him. "See you later then" she added, leaving the room after Tadashi waved with a smile.

Kimi and Kai took off after that. They climbed into the car, Kimi driving with Kai in the passenger seat. As Kai watched Kimi driving he couldn't help but think about what Tsukishima had said to him. Kimi deserved to know how he felt about her.

He wanted and needed to tell her, but he had no idea how to do that. he had the sinking feeling that if he ever said anything nothing would be the same between them again. And although sometimes change was a good thing, lately change has been the worst thing to happen in his life.

"Everything okay with you? You look off. You know you can tell me if something is bothering you, right?" Kimi asked breaking his train of thought.

"Oh uh -" he started, now was his chance to say something. But he stopped himself, afraid still. "Yeah everythings fine" he finished. This was for the better, maybe she didn't need to know, maybe it was better that way.

"Alright" Kimi said, she was disappointed. For all the years she had known Kai she learned a lot about reading his emotions, and when something was wrong. She just couldn't understand why he wouldn't open up to her.

"Hey Kimi..." Kai suddenly said after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah?" Kimi responded, her eyes still glued to the road in front of her.

"After we leave Date Tech, can we go back to Karasuno? Just to check if there is any signs or clues to where she is" Kai asked. Kimi immediately knew who the 'she' he was talking about is. He was referring to Conny, the third person in their friendship, things were definitely a lot quieter missing her in the group.

"Of course" Kimi answered. She was doubtful but also wanted to try everything possible to find her sister.

"Maybe we can figure out where Dai- " Kai let his voice trail off as they pulled up by the store Date Tech had been staying at.

Kimis mouth dropped at the sight as well. The entire place was swarming with monsters, the windows of the building were broken and the doors were busted down. Kimi didn't dare drive any closer but through the windows she could make out the sight of a few elderly people. Some still in the beds others walking around, now all just monsters. No human aspects left to them.

"I'm gonna be sick" Kimi whispered looking at the monsters walking around.

"Let's get out of here" Kai said shaking his head at the sight. He didn't want to know what happened. The horror that must have been present while Koganegawa and Aone watched as the people they tried so desperately to protect became nothing more than easy targets for the monsters. Who knows maybe the two were in there walking among them.

"I'm just taking us home. I don't want to go to Karasuno right now" Kimi said, she was sure she couldn't handle another disappointment right now. And she knew that hoping to find clues towards her siblings where abouts at Karasuno was nothing short of a prayer.

"Okay, we'll go home" Kai agreed.

Kimi drove them straight home. When she walked in the front door Tsukishima walked over to her. "How'd it go?" he asked, curious since Tadashi had obviously told him where the two had gone.

"I don't want to talk about it" Kimi said walking straight past him and up the stairs to her room. Kai followed her up to the room as well. They both fell on the bed in defeat. Each crawling under the covers trying to find comfort away from the cruel world.

Kimi and Kai laid on the bed, their backs to each other, but pushed up against one another. Each giving the other comfort just by being near.

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