44 ~ All of a Sudden

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"I'm not leaving," Kageyama said, staring down at the note Kimi had handed him. "You can't actually think it's a good idea to leave. Con - Everyone who is sick, they won't make it out there," he added, crumpling the note in his hand out of frustration.

"No, I don't want to leave either, but we have to come up with some sort of plan, I'm not just sitting around waiting for them to just march through the door," Kimi replied.

Kageyama thought for a moment. "Alright, who all knows about the note?" he asked in a more serious tone.

"Me, Tsukishima, Tanaka and Noya since they repaired the fence, and now you," Kimi answered.

"Okay, keep this away from everyone who is sick. Knowing Conny she would get mad at us for not just leaving," Kageyama said, then shook his head with a light smile. "She's such an idiot," he added, a bit of longing in his eyes. It was clear he missed his friend.

"How's she doing?" Kimi asked, knowing full well that Kageyama had been sneaking walks near the room to check up on the girl.

He looked at her, making eye contact. "Not well. She is taking care of everyone else. But she doesn't look well herself," he said sadly with the smallest break in his voice, staring at his hands as if he were desperately holding back tears.

"Okay," Kimi whispered. She didn't want to talk or think about her twin anymore.

"We get ready for them then and fight back with force," Kageyama said, sensing the girls change in mood. "Everyone who can, will be armed with a gun to fight them. We won't let them know about the sick or they will think we are vulnerable," he added, already forming a plan.

"Yeah. But what if we tried to just reason with them?" Kimi suggested in a hopeful manner.

Kageyama gave her a sad look. "Kimi, these people just threw a brick at you. You really think they are going to leave nicely just because we ask them to?" Kageyama said. Kimi knew what his response would be before he even spoke, and the worst part was that she knew he wasn't wrong either.

"We will be fine," Kageyama said in a reassuring voice when he noticed the look she gave him. He was worried, but he also fully believed they stood a chance if they could surprise the attackers. They wouldn't be expecting a fight back.

Kimi nodded. "I'll start spreading the word around to whoever can help," She replied. She wanted to smile to assure Kageyama that she believed him, but she couldn't. Not even she was that good of a liar.


Conny was in the corner of the room, puking up bits of vomit and blood on the floor, safely hidden from the others by a bed.

She knew if Daichi found out how bad her condition had gotten he would make her stop helping everyone else. But she also knew that someone had to do it, so she just continued to pretend to be okay.

Conny stood, the suddenness of her action made her vision blur and she needed to use the wall to steady herself as she waited for her blackened vision to return to normal. When it finally did, she wiped her mouth with her sleeve to hide the vomit that had been dripping down her chin.

"You're lying to yourself," she heard a voice croak out. She knew that voice. It belonged to someone she had managed to get close with over the course of just a few weeks of knowing him.

"I'm not lying to anyone," Conny responded, her own voice had become hoarse. She made her way over to the boy's bed and sat down on the edge, that trip alone exhausting her. The toughest part of pretending to be okay was her physical strength, she had enough mental strength to actually convince herself she was okay, but her body was betraying her.

"Really, you wanna look a dying person in the eyes and lie?" Ennoshita asked, he tried to laugh but instead ended up coughing.

"Fine, you're right. I feel like shit. But I'm going to keep helping everyone until I physically can't anymore," Conny admitted, giving in. "And in case you're wondering I'm only letting that dying comment slip because technically you're always dying. Although I prefer to look at it as always living," she added.

Ennoshita coughed a few times in another attempt to laugh.

"You sound like my mother you know?" he said.

"Well, your mother must have been very smart then," Conny replied, grinning weakly.

Again, an attempt to laugh by the boy, this time he did get a small chuckle out before a cough followed.

"She used to always say 'Chikara, you have to-' " Ennoshita stopped mid sentence. Conny waited patiently for him to cough, but a cough didn't follow. She figured he was just thinking but his expression was frozen. Staring at her. But it was almost as if he wasn't staring at her at all.

"Ennoshita?" she questioned. The boy remained frozen, his blank expression staring straight at her. Something about him was so unnatural, it put Conny on edge.

"Chikara?" she said, this time shaking his body a little. Nothing. No response. Just a blank stare.

Conny took in a deep breath of air before finding the courage to move her hand to his neck. She desperately searched for a sign of a pulse, a sign of life. Nothing. She moved her attention to his wrist, convincing herself she just missed it. Nothing.

Conny's eyes began to water, her heart thudding in her chest as the reality of it all hit her like a brick.

They were having a conversation. He was speaking. How can someone be mid sentence and just all of a sudden die? There's supposed to be some sort of warning. Sixteen-year-olds don't just die all of a sudden like that.

He wasn't ever going to get better. He wasn't ever going to make it to Tokyo. He wasn't ever going to get to walk around again or even speak.

She would never have a conversation with him again, never hear his voice or his soft laugh. He was gone. Just like that. Here one moment. Gone the next. That's what her life had become. A life where anyone could die at any moment.

Conny's eyes began to wander around the room of sleeping sick people. A thought hit her hard, so hard that she had to keep her cries silent so that no one would wake up.

Ennoshita was the first. He was the first to catch the virus. The first to get sick. The first to die. Others have already started to worsen the way he did. She was just standing in a room of dead people, herself included. How long could they really hope to live with this deadly virus?

Conny made a decision sitting there beside the corpse of someone she considered a friend. She would keep this to herself. She wasn't going to steal away what little hope these people had of fighting this virus. She could carry this pain on her own.

She looked at Ennoshita who was still staring at her. "I won't let you change. At least I can do that for you," she whispered to the boy's dead body.

As her body shook with tears, she picked up the knife on the bedside table with a shaky hand. "I'll take her to Tokyo," she whispered, taking the necklace he had given her to 'hold onto' out of her pocket and clipping it around her neck.

Conny reached over, carefully shutting the boy's eyelids. She used both her hands to hold the knife in an attempt to steady it from shaking so much.

Then she lined the knife up with the boys skull, but forced herself to look away as she plunged it down into his head.

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