110 ~ Return

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Conny ran for as long as she could before her legs physically gave out and she fell to the ground. She began shivering and wiping the snow off her as she stood up, she was still only wearing pants and a hoodie and the world was snowing around her only making her colder.

She was now thankful that Atsumu never covered her eyes when they were driving because she could still clearly remember every turn he took. She continued limping down the road, she wanted to go somewhere more hidden in case Atsumu came out to look for her but she was terrified that if she strayed away from the road she'd lose her path and not be able to find the prison. So she continued on.

As Conny walked she heard the noise of a truck driving down the road. She sprinted away towards one of the houses along the road. But she ended up only making it to the porch by the time it turned the corner. Conny ducked down praying that the truck wouldn't slow down.

As she had hoped the truck continued speeding down the road, it was a big moving truck, the back door wide open as a boy sat near the very edge of it holding some sort of good quality gun. "Please just keep going" Conny whispered to herself as the truck drove right past her. Then it turned the corner and was gone. 

Conny exhaled the breath she was holding, slowly limping off the step back onto the road. Her leg felt worse than it did before due to her sudden running. But she continued walking down the road, determined to make it home before dark.

She finally made the last turn onto the stretch of road beside the forest, although she still had quite the walk ahead of her she was just happy to be somewhere familiar.

Suddenly three figures appeared out of the forest quite a bit down the road in front of her. Connys heart jumped at the sudden appearance of people, not walkers but people. She was about to run into the forest when she recognized one of them, then slowly she realized that she knew who each one was.

Conny stopped in her tracks, a smile made its way across her face as she began to cry just at the sight of them. "Tobio!" she yelled as she covered her mouth with her hand, unable to control her cry of pure happiness.

The boy turned and in an instant he was running towards her. He wrapped his arms around her picking her up, then putting her back on her feet as he buried his face in her neck also crying. After a few minutes of holding her he pulled away taking her face in his hands.

"You're okay" he cried out smiling.

Conny couldn't help but smile back. "Yeah, I'm okay now" she said. She never wanted to be separated from him like that again.

"Let's bring you home" Kageyama said leaning over to kiss her forehead then moving his hand to hold hers.

"I really want that" Conny said nodding as she wiped her tears with her free hand.

"I'm glad you're okay" Kenma said, him and Iwazumi had made their way back to meet up with the other two.

"Yeah, it's good to see you" Iwazumi added. He looked a little shocked to see her, more than likely wasn't expecting her to be walking down the road behind them.

"Thanks guys, it's good to be back" Conny said smiling at the two.

They began to walk again, Iwazumi and Kenma walking a little ahead to give the other two some space. Kageyama almost instantly stopped as soon as they started walking.

"You're limping" he stated looking at Conny.

Conny nodded. "I was shot in the leg" she explained.

"We can talk about it later if you would like" he offered. Conny nodded, she wasn't sure how much she wanted to talk about it but if she were going to tell anyone then it would definitely be him. "Let me carry you for now, okay?" he added.

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