45 ~ Comfort

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Conny worked quickly, pinning extra blankets to the ceiling to act as curtains between the beds. She didn't want anyone to notice Ennoshita's empty bed when she moved him, and she thought it might be suspicious if she only covered his bed. Si, she was separating each bed with her makeshift curtains.

"Why the sudden blankets?" she heard a voice. She would know that voice anywhere even if it was hoarse and only a whisper.

"Thought people might want some privacy," Conny spoke in a quick pace, she was trying to keep her appearance up. She was desperately attempting to keep her brother under the impression that everything was fine.

"Privacy? Makes sense. What made you think of that?" Daichi questioned.

"Um... I just thought back to when you used to yell at me for barging into your room without knocking because it was an invasion of your privacy," Conny explained, thinking quickly.

He didn't believe her. She could tell. Daichi knew his little sister all to well. There was no way he was buying Conny's story.

She expected him to lecture her or insist on the truth, but he spoke in a soft voice. "Conny you've been crying."

She wanted to deny it but couldn't. In fact, she began to cry again unable to hold back the tears. She didn't know why the tears came now when she worked so hard to get rid of them the first time, but they were streaming down her face as her body shook with sobs and all she could do was nod to her brother's statement.

"Come here Conny," Daichi said as he used all his strength to move his arm and pat the spot on the bed beside him. Conny moved quickly laying down next to her brother letting his arm wrap around her, pulling her body close to him.

"I wanted... so badly... just... to... help him..." she sobbed into his chest.

"I know Conny. I know," Daichi murmured, holding onto the girl and letting her cry. He didn't say the words 'you will be okay' or 'everything is going to be fine' because he knew those weren't the words Conny needed to hear. She just needed someone to be close and listen to her. He knew that saying those words would only make her feel like he was dismissing her words.

So, instead he settled with other words. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asked.

If Conny answered yes, he would listen. If she answered no, he would give her space and just try to comfort her however he could.

Conny was silent for a few minutes just sobbing against him, and Daichi knew better than to push her into opening up about something she wasn't ready to talk about. But to his surprise Conny slowly nodded yes.

"I hate this world," she whispered, sniffling. "I just keep pretending like I'm okay, but I'm not. I feel like I'm in a boat with a small hole in it and I'm slowly sinking. And one of these days I'm going to have no boat left and I'll just drown," Conny spoke, attempting to explain her thoughts while still trying to calm down the sobs that racked her body.

"I get that," Daichi replied as he gave her shoulders a light squeeze.

"You do?" Conny asked, looking up to him, her checks shining from the tears that had stained them.

"Yeah, you've always been so cheerful and optimistic. No matter what happened you chose to see the bright side. You don't want that to change, but it slowly is. The boat you are referring to is your optimism and you're slowly losing it, drowning in a world that's trying to force you to be negative," Daichi explained.

"I think you understand what I'm trying to say better than I do," Conny said, with the faintest of giggle. Daichi had always understood her and never once dismissed her feelings.

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