87 ~ Like Old Times

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Tsukishima made his way down the hall in search of one of two people. The first of the two he ran into was Conny. "Conny" he called out to get her attention as she was skipping towards her room.

"Yep!" Conny said happily turning and moving over to the tall boy.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Tsukishima questioned.

"Sure!" Conny said enthusiastically. She was in a particularly good mood after the past few days had been full of everyone eating enough food and just being able to socialize.

"Could you and Kageyama go out for a quick supply run? Mai is outgrowing all of her clothes and I'm really running out of things for her to wear that are going to keep her warm" Tsukishima asked.

"Yeah we can do that" Conny said, then smiled brightly. "We'll go now!" she added.

"Thank you" Tsukishima said politely.

"No problem! I'll come find you when we get back!" Conny said before changing the direction she was going in, now headed to her room instead. Kageyama was still trying to figure out the walkie talkies. He had been working on them for the past few days.

"Need an excuse to take a break?" Conny asked as she walked in the room. She hopped up so she was sitting on the table Kageyama had been working at right beside where he was working.

He moved his arms onto her lap laying his head on her lap. "Yeah, this stupid thing is frustrating the hell out of me" he mumbled into her thighs. He found it comforting just to rest his head on her lap.

Conny ran her hand through his hair. "Wanna go for a supply run? Like we always did at Karasuno. Get your mind off it for a few hours" she asked.

Kageyama looked up at her. "Yeah I'd like that" he said in an almost pouty voice. 

Conny ruffled his hair playfully. "Alright, get your jacket on and we can go now" she said smiling at the boy. Kageyama stood up finding his jacket that they kept on the top bunk, then tossed Connys to her as she hoped off the desk.

When their group had first arrived Kenma slipped out to the mini mall to find spear winter clothing for their group so they didn't have to worry when it got even colder.

"Don't forget your hat, it's cold" Kageyama said putting Connys hat on her head then flicking the pompom attached. Conny laughed at him shaking her head with a smile. 

Kageyama quickly grabbed his ear muffs and put them on before taking Connys hand to walk with her. They told Lev, who was on guard duty where they were going before heading out.

"Do you miss driving places?" Conny asked as they walked down the road hand in hand.

Kageyama thought for a moment. "Kind of. But honestly I think I prefer walking like this. Then we get more time together" he stated.

Conny laughed. "Look at you being all sweet" she said not able to hide the smile that appeared on her face.

"I have my moments" Kageyama said laughing.

"But let me guess the real reason is then you get a longer break from the walkie talkies?" Conny asked laughing.

"Oh shoot you caught me!" Kageyama said laughing. Conny couldn't help but giggle.

"Tobio!" Conny suddenly said excitedly. 

"What's up?" Kageyama asked confused as the girl stopped walking.

"It's snowing!" she said happily, holding her hand out to catch a few snowflakes.

"It's snowed for quite a few days now Conny. Look around you, there's already snow on the ground" Kageyama stated.

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