124 ~ Go Away

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Kimi laid in bed, she had barely spoken a word to anyone. But she was content living in her own little world isolated from everyone else, isolated from anyone who could remind her of Daichi.

There was a sudden knock on her door. She chose to ignore it, hoping the person would get the hint and go away. She didn't want anyone to come in. She didn't want to talk or get out of bed. The knock sounded again.

Kimi rolled over in bed annoyed. "Go away" she called out hoping to scare them off.

"I'm opening the door, don't be naked" Tsukishimas voice rang out. Kimi rolled her eyes at his voice. He was the most persistent of everyone. Even Kai seemed to have backed off a little to give her some space. But everyday without fail Tsukishima was showing up at her door with food and a new attempt at having a conversation with her.

The door opened and Tsukishima stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "I said to go away" Kimi said glaring at the boy who entered her room.

"I know you did. But just like I said yesterday, I will leave you alone when you start taking care of yourself. If I see you out there getting something to eat then I won't have to come in here and bother you" he said as he placed a banana on her lap.

"Sometimes I really hate you" she said as he sat down on the bed beside her.

"I know. I'm not leaving until you eat though" Tsukishima stated.

Kimi reluctantly opened the banana, taking a bite of it. "There, you happy?" she asked unamused. 

"Finish it" Tsukishima instructed sternly. 

"You know in other cases this would not be okay" Kimi stated.

"What?" Tsukishima asked confused.

"You forcing me to eat a banana" Kimi said smugly.

Tsukishima couldn't stop himself from letting out a small laugh that he immediately tried to hide. Kimi lightly shoved his shoulder. "Stop. I don't want to laugh" she said. Tsukishima was happy to be having a semi normal conversation with the girl, lately those had been rare.

Suddenly there was a light banging on the door. "Go away" Kimi immediately called out. But the banging continued. "I said get lost" Kimi said a little more harshly this time. Even if she did let Tsukishima in, she didn't want anyone else in her room. He was an exception, even though he did annoy her.

The banging stopped allowing Kimi to sigh in a relief. But only a minute later it returned again. This time Kimi angerly stood up, ready to yell at the person.

But when she opened the door there was no one there. She scrunched up her face in annoyance. Suddenly she felt something drop on her foot. She looked down to catch Mai crawling past her, accidentally putting her hand on Kimis foot.

Kimi looked over to Tsukishima in disbelief. "She's crawling now?" she questioned.

"If you call that crawling. It's more of a butt scooch, but it gets her from place to place" Tsukishima replied. He then turned his attention to the little girl as he got down on his knees. "Who's supposed to be watching you?" he asked her.

Mai just stared at him for a minute as she stopped crawling. Then she began to giggle, moving to crawl onto his lap. 

"You're obnoxious" Tsukishima mumbled staring down at the little girl as he allowed her to climb on his lap. Mai just giggled again.

Kimi stared at the little girl, she had grown so much and it was evident that she looked up to Tsukishima. As much as he liked to deny it, Mai was important to Tsukishima, he cared about the little girl more than anyone else did.

"Sook" Mai spook before giggling again as she looked up to Tsukishima.

"She talks now too?" Kimi asked moving her attention to Tsukishima. She couldn't believe how much the baby had changed in just a month.

But Tsukishima didn't look back at Kimi, he was staring at Mai with wide eyes and a surprised look on his face. "No, that was the first time" Tsukishima responded still staring at the little girl, refusing to believe that he heard her correct.

Kimi finally knelt down to sit beside Tsukishima. "Her first word was your name" Kimi said still looking at the boy. 

"I guess so. Although she did completely butcher it" he said still watching Mai. Although he couldn't control the smile that had made an appearance on his face after Mais word.

"Sook!" Mai said again as she laughed, reaching a hand up to grab his glasses.

"I need those, you can't have them" Tsukishima said as he took the glasses out of her hands and put them back on his face. "You put hand prints on them" he mumbled as he looked through the foggy lenses.

Kimi began to laugh at the interaction. Tsukishima finally moved his attention from Mai to Kimi. It was the first time she had smiled let alone laughed since Daichi died.

When Kimi stopped laughing she looked down at Mai, then back to Tsukishima. "Thank you... Sook" she said quietly. She hadn't realized how much his annoying persistence had actually helped her until that moment.

"Thank her not me. She did more than I could have" Tsukishima said nodding towards Mai.

Kimi smiled as she looked down at the little girl. "Thank you Mai" she said making the baby smile.

"I'm going to go put her to bed now. She should be sleeping already" Tsukishima said as he stood up, picking Mai up with him. 

"Wait, you could sleep in here with me. Mai could too... if you want" Kimi said quickly. Tsukishima seemed taken aback. It was the first time Kimi had really opened up.

"Yeah, we'll sleep in here" he agreed as he climbed into the bed laying Mai down beside him. Kimi crawled into bed on the other side of Mai. Mai gently wrapped one hand around Tsukishimas hand and the other around Kimis hand as she quickly drifted off to sleep.

Kimi was the next to fall asleep. Tsukishima laid awake for a while longer. He was happy to have both girls beside him. Each meant so much to him. He let himself have a moment of happiness before drifting off to sleep.

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