157 ~ By Your Side

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As Conny was walking back to her room she passed by the hospital room with the door propped open. She couldn't help but notice a boy sitting in a chair by the window with a book in hand.

Conny entered the room since she really didn't have anywhere else to go anyways. As she entered the room Shirabu glanced up at her then back to his book seeming to completely dismiss her presence.

"You know for someone who always wants to leave this place, you sure do find yourself back here a lot" Shirabu stated as he flipped a page in his book not bothering to look up at the girl.

"Guess I'm like a moth to a flame then. Drawn to a place I really shouldn't be" Conny joked laughing lightly.

Her comment made Shirabu look up at her. "Flames kill moths you know" he said as he met her gaze for possibly the first time ever.

Conny shrugged. "Opposite could be said about people. They die without a little flame" she replied. It seemed like such an absurd conversation to have with someone who was basically a stranger.

"I guess" Shirabu gave in looking away from Conny again, staring back down at his book but not reading it. "I still think it's stupid to take your freedom for granted like that" he added in a quieter voice. He didn't understand why she would ever choose to come anywhere near the place again after fighting so hard to leave.

Shirabus words hit Conny hard as she remembered learning about his situation from Ushijima when she visited Shiratorizawa. He had originally been a part of their group before they just handed him over to Inarizaki without a fight.

"Guess you really hate me for that" Conny said without thinking.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Shirabu immediately responded in a harsh tone.

Conny quickly waved her hands in the air to signal her words were simply a misunderstanding but after a second she quickly dropped them. "Sorry. I met with Ushijima a while ago. He told me about you" she confessed figuring it was better to be honest than try to lie.

"Oh..." Shirabu mumbled continuing to stare at his book but not even registering that there were words on the page.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't going to bring it up. I haven't had anything to do with Shiratorizawa since that one meeting though. Not that I think they would want anything to do with me after I lost it on Ushijima..." Conny said in a ramble. Shirabu looked up to stare at the girl making her immediately stop talking.

He then shrugged. "It's not a big deal, they didn't want me and I don't want them. Simple as that" he said in an attempt to brush off the whole situation. He hated the fact that his words were just lies, he had put his trust in them and they just traded him away without any question. But he did everything he could to convince himself that he didn't care about them and never had.

"So why don't you leave? Even if Atsumu didn't let you, I don't think it would be all that difficult for you to slip away unnoticed. Then once you're gone you just don't turn back" Conny asked. She figured that was the most logical answer for someone to do if they were surrounded by people they didn't like.

"I'd die out there on my own. I don't know how to fight so I'd just be a walking target for the monsters" Shirabu confessed. Before Conny could respond Shirabu scrunched up his face in thought. "Did you say you lost it on Ushijima?" he questioned in shock as her words finally fully processed in his mind.

Conny grinned. "Yeah I sorta yelled at him" she said, that being the only explanation needed.

Shirabu suddenly grinned completely taking Conny by shock. "I would love to have seen that" he said.

Conny laughed. "It probably wasn't all that smart but he was really pissing me off" she explained.

"I don't know if anyone has ever said this to you. But you are a very bold person. The way you handle Ushijima and Atsumu is quite unique" he said.

Conny thought about his words. She had never considered herself an overly bold person, she would simply just do whatever she thought was right. She always tried to trust her instincts and morals.

"I don't know if that is supposed to be a compliment or not but thanks" Conny replied grinning.

"Yeah whatever" Shirabu shrugged returning his attention to his book.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed now. Talk to you again later though?" Conny asked as she realized how exhausted her body was from all the walking she had done when her truck broke down. Plus it had been a very eventful day for her after spending so much time doing nothing in her house in Miyagi.

"Yeah, see you later" Shirabu said dismissively without looking up to her. It shocked Conny that he didn't deny her assumption that they could hang out again sometime. Maybe he was more lonely than she had originally realized. As she skipped down the hall towards her room she decided that she would spend as much time as possible around him, she wanted to be the friend he clearly needed.

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