5 ~ Final Goodbye

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After entering the house, Conny made her way up the steps followed by Kageyama. At the top of the stairs, they had a silent agreement to split up and look through different rooms.

Conny wandered down the hall to her friend's room. She almost screamed at the sight inside. Laying in a pile of blood on the floor was Mrs. Sugawara. She was clearly dead. Conny could see the remainder of a giant bite mark on her arm.

On the floor in the blood Conny could make out an object that the woman must have dropped when she had finally lost enough blood to slip away.

Conny flipped it over immediately recognizing the object to be a photo frame smashed into several pieces from the fall to the floor. She then picked it up looking at the smiling picture of Sugawara.

The last thing his mom had wanted to see was him. She must have dragged herself to his room just so she could feel closer to him.

Conny couldn't believe the scene in front of her. Her knees suddenly felt weak and she let herself fall to the ground as she fully registered what she was looking at. "I'm sorry this happened to you Mrs. Sugawara," she whispered.

It was sad to see that the photo the woman had tried so desperately to hold was now broken on the floor close to her but forever out of her grasp.

Conny carefully turned the woman over onto her back, taking her hand and opening it. Then Conny took the photo out of the frame and placed it in the woman's hand closing her fingers over the photo.

"Your son will be fine," she whispered. She believed it too, she knew that him and Daichi had to be okay and were just somewhere else right now. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a few fingers moving on the corpse.

"Shit, that's not supposed to happen," Conny whispered jumping away reaching behind her frantically trying to find the stick left on the ground. She opened her mouth to scream but her voice didn't come out.

When she finally felt her hand wrap around the stick the woman had already moved onto her hands and knees, slowly crawling towards Conny with a low growl escaping her mouth.

It's not her. It's not Mrs. Sugawara. This is a monster. Not human. It's not her. Conny whispered over and over in her head as the monster began crawling at a faster pace towards her.

Conny had scooted all the way back until her back was against the wall. Finally, she worked up the courage to lift the stick above her head. Once Mrs. Sugawara was close enough to almost bite Conny, she took a deep breath and brought the stick smashing down as hard as she could into the skull of the woman who had always acted like a mother to her.

"I'm sorry," Conny whispered through tears as the body went limp once again. At that time Kageyama walked into the room looking from the body on the ground to the bloody hockey stick in the girl's hands to her horrified face.

"Is this murder?" Conny whispered looking up at Kageyama. She was still trying her best to fully process what she had just done.

"What? No," Kageyama replied sympathetically, immediately snapping out of his daze and running over to her. He felt awful about the situation and wished he had been the one to go to that room instead, or that they had never split up instead.

"I killed her though. I killed Mrs. Sugawara," Conny said sounding completely detached from her voice.

"Conny listen to me..." Kageyama said crouching down so he was eye level with her. "You didn't kill her. What you killed wasn't the person you knew," he said gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

"It still feels so real though," Conny said still sounding a little out of it.

"I know," Kageyama said sounding understanding. "Hey, come on" he added in a softer voice as he stood up and offered her a hand up.

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