173 ~ Ringing

17 1 0

Kimi was flung back by the sudden explosion, luckily it wasn't overly strong since it was homemade. The thought that Kuroo may have made it briefly crossed her mind as she hit the wall behind her. 

But her mind went completely blank when she realized that the boy who had been there was no longer there. He was long gone. Probably dead before he even realized what had happened. 

Kimi dropped down slowly sliding down the wall until her butt was firmly on the ground. "I'm so sorry" she cried out. Maybe he could have lived if she hadn't spotted her.

Kimi sobbed as she pulled out her gun that she had originally stolen from Tsukishima. "I want you back" she whispered. He meant so much to her, she didn't give a damn how hard it was for them to accept their feelings for each other she loved him. 

She knew she couldn't have Tsukishima back. He would never return home with her. They wouldn't ever have some stupid argument. He wouldn't ever hold Mai again or talk to her or play with her. He was dead. Mai probably wouldn't even remember who he was despite him taking her in as if she were his own child. 

"I'll raise her for you. And I'm not gonna let her ever forget you" Kimi said to the empty area around her. There wasn't even a body to mourn over.

Tsukishima had been so broken. He was hurting so much for so long with no one there to comfort him. She wasn't there for him.

Inarizaki had taken him away from her and played with his mind as if he were just some experiment or tool for them to use up and discard. She didn't give a damn what anyone else said to convince her otherwise, the Inarizaki group were pure evil. All monsters.

She now knew that she wouldn't be satisfied with just winning the war, she needed to completely destroy the other side. Take away everything from them, the same way they had taken everything away from her. She wanted to hit them where it hurt. To start she needed to find Miya Atsumu and kill him.

Nothing was going to stop her now from putting a bullet through his head.


As Conny stumbled forward through the dangerous area she continuously questioned herself. She was always trying to help everyone but hardly ever ended up actually doing any good. Was it actually worth it or was it all just wasted effort?

She didn't know why her brain brought up the memory at a moment like this but she couldn't help but think back to when she had been walking down the road with Daichi looking for a place to leave Ennoshitas sisters necklace. She had confessed to him that she wanted their parents to be okay. She could still clearly remember his words. 

It's not a bad thing. You want to see the good in people even when there is so little good there. I want you to be careful Conny, you can't help everyone. That's just a fact.

Maybe she couldn't save anyone.

She wished more than anything that Daichi were beside her right now to give her advice. She wanted to know what he would do if he were in her shoes. He was always so wise that she was sure he would know exactly how to handle things.

Daichi always knew exactly what she wanted to hear, but at the same time was never afraid to tell her what she needed to hear. She would have given anything to talk to him again even just for a minute. She needed to know if she was doing the right thing because she honestly had no idea anymore.

She remembered asking Kageyama about Atsumu a long time ago. After Atsumu had first taken her she wondered if it was wrong of her not to hate him even though she knew he was bad and he had hurt her. She still remembered his response vividly despite being half asleep when they had that conversation.

It would make someone bad to like the terrible actions a person does, but it is okay to like someone who has done terrible things.

She had spent more time than she could even count around Kageyama over the past year and a half. He had a strong mixture of good morals as well as good instincts. He did what he believed was right while not being unrealistic.

Kageyama never once judged her for wanting to help Atsumu the same way Daichi had never judged her for wanting to save their parents. Both boys believed full heartedly that Conny was a good person and wanted to see her succeed. They believed she could succeed in helping others.

"I still want to stop this war. I still want to save people" Conny whispered to herself. She truly believed in herself, she had to try at least one more time. She was the only person she knew who for sure had connections to the leaders of both sides, meaning if anyone was going to get through to them then she had the best chance. She couldn't stand the thought of losing anyone else so she had to be fast.

Conny took off at a run searching more frantically for Atsumu, she only hoped that she could find the boy before her sister.

After several minutes of running Conny finally spotted him. The familiar boy with blonde hair she had dyed herself. She couldn't help but feel a smile cross her face at the sight of him. He was still alive. She found him and he was still okay.

As Conny made her way towards him she noticed something from the corner of her eye. "Fuck, this is bad" Conny mumbled under her breath.

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