175 ~ Fallen Angel

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Kimi waited with anticipation, Atsumu had no idea she was there, he would never see the bullet coming. Not until it was too late at least. But at the last minute when Kimi was sure she had beat Atsumu she saw a flash of her sister quickly shoving Atsumu to the side. 

"Damn it Conny. He's the bad guy" she mumbled holding up her gun waiting for Atsumu to be vulnerable again.

But that moment didn't come. The two were hidden from her view now, obviously aware that she was there. She was going to need to get in closer to finish him off. Her job just became a lot harder.

Kimi quickly glanced around before stepping out of her hiding spot and creeping towards the wall hiding Atsumu from her view. She needed to get a clear shot.

When she was just around the corner she stuck her elbow out to see if any shots came, not wanting to risk a head shot. But none came. How stupid of Atsumu to drop his guard twice.

This time Kimi peeked her head around the corner to get a good view of where to aim. But she was met with nothing. There was no one around.

Kimi smirked, he thought he could run? How stupid, don't start a war then hide from the consequences. She ran into the alley moving swiftly to track him. She peered out, there were two directions they could have gone. But one looked like it led to a dead end so she took the other running cautiously down the path.

Kimi turned another corner, seeing a dead walker she chose that path. She continued once again peering out from behind a building. But the sight she was met with made her stomach do a flip.

Her own twin sister was lying on the ground in her enemies arms, bleeding out from the bullet she shot.

"Conny!" Kimi called out, not caring that she was reveling herself to the Atsumu.

"Kimi..." Conny said in a raspy voice slowly turning her head to look at her sister. She looked happy to see Kimi. But Kimi couldn't stop the thought from surfacing... did Conny know it was her that shot the bullet?

"Hey it's okay Conny. You're okay" Kimi said running to her side and collapsing beside her, grabbing her free hand.

Kimi couldn't help but notice Atsumu visibly sobbing but she quickly turned her attention back to Conny. It was strange though, she was sure Atsumu had just been using Conny the whole time. Messing with her head to send doubt to their group. Yet his sobs were genuine, and Conny clearly risked her life for him. Maybe they did care about each other.

"I'm glad you're here" Conny said in a weak voice "I have some things I need to tell you before I..." she  started to say but was quickly cut off by Kimi talking over her.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" Kimi scolded.

"Okay. Just - just let me say something to both of you" Conny said moving her eyes for a moment to make sure Atsumu was still paying attention. The boy quickly nodded giving her hand a light squeeze.

"This is going to sound cliché or lame" she said with a forced laugh that sounded more painful than anything. "But you have to stop fighting each other. Nothing good comes from it...for either sides. People are just going to end up dead, and for what? To win some stupid war?" she said, a few of her words slurring since speaking has now become a challenge.

"Please don't go.. killing each other... and make my death... meaningless. I don't... want to be just... some extra who died in the war... I want my life... to mean something" Conny said clearly struggling with her words as she now needed to pause in the middle of her sentences.

Kimi shook her head when Conny spoke about dying she refused to accept it. Atsumu and Kimi both gripped Connys hands tightly attempting to comfort her. Atsumu was visibly crying, his body shaking from the tears. Kimi was holding it together though, being strong for her sister.

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