43 ~ The Note

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Kimi and Tsukishima arrived back to the school before dark. The two barely exchanged words as they parted. Both returning to normal, people who would talk to each other and stick close to each other, sort of friends. Only now they were friends that have fucked before.

"Kimi," she heard Kai's voice as she entered the front hallway.

"What's up Kai?" Kimi questioned.

He pulled the girl into a hug before speaking again. "I was worried about you. You were gone for so long, and with the storm I thought something might have happened to you," Kai explained in a panic as he clung to his friend. Kimi felt a slight bit of guilt for taking so long to return.

At that moment Tsukishima walked into the school with a stack of blankets in his arms. He glanced over to the two hugging.

"Are Tadashi and Mai still okay?" Tsukishima asked the boy.

Kai let go of Kimi, looking over to the taller boy. He nodded, trying to keep his composure. He felt like crying but held it in. Kimi didn't smell like Kimi. Kimi didn't normally have the faint outline of a purple bruise on her neck.

Something happened out there on their trip. Something that would slowly kill Kai on the inside if he continued to think about it. So, he chose to ignore it, forcing himself to act okay. He would continue to smile and try his best to make Kimi smile. He always knew that him and Kimi was a long shot but that thought had never felt more real to him than it did now.

"Thank you," Tsukishima responded, bowing slightly to Kai out of politeness. Kai snapped back to reality as he watched the tall boy walk away. What was it about him that Kimi liked so much?

"Are you okay?" Kimi asked Kai, she had clearly noticed his change in mood and was worried about him.

Kai looked back over to her and smiled. "Great," he told the most convincing lie he had ever let slip out of his mouth.

Kimi smiled back at him. "Glad to hear that. I was worried about you with Conny sick and everything."

"No need to worry about me. You've got enough on your plate as is. Do you have any plans on what we should do next?" Kai asked in an attempt to turn the conversation away from Conny. He didn't want to think about her being ill.

Kimi shook her head looking down. "I don't know Kai," she whispered. Kai would always be the person she felt most comfortable opening up to.

"It's okay. Things will work out. I'm sure they'll start getting better soon," Kai said attempting to cheer the girl up. "Why don't you just lay down for a while and take it easy," he suggested. Kimi nodded at that idea, she was exhausted both physically and mentally. Rest would be good for her.


Kimi was walking towards an empty room when she was stopped by Kageyama suddenly grabbing her arm to pull her into an empty room.

"What's going on? Did something happen to Conny?" Kimi asked immediately when she saw the look of anger he was wearing.

He quickly shook his head. "No, it's not her. But that bastard Takeda took off! He took off with the food!" Kageyama explained in frustration.

"He what? All of it?" Kimi asked in shock.

"Most of it," Kageyama said with a nod, his voice now a little calmer.

"Okay," Kimi said, shaking her head. "I don't know what to do about that right now. I just need a minute on my own, then I'll figure things out," she added. She could barely hold herself together. Her thoughts were such a tangled mess that she had no idea what she was supposed to do.

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