Super Psycho 'Love'

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Warnings: Blood, injury, violence, kidnapping, panic attack, repressed memories, mentions of sexual abuse, animal control poles, shock collars, torture

Intended Relationship: Grian/Xisuma


Sam was a psycho, Grian of all hermits could tell you that. It's because of him he was frightened of white rabbits. It's because of him he never wanted to be alone. It's because of him he never feels safe around even the sweetest of rabbits.

Sam put him through torture, years of abuse and trauma. 

Xisuma spent a lot of time 'reversing' the trauma caused to him. All through season six he made sure that Grian felt safe in the season. Now they were in season seven.

The turf war had just ended, but the resistance still had their pearls in their emergency meeting system.

Grian was talking to Mumbo before the chats exploded.

"Looks like people are seeing things. People from your team." Mumbo said, "That isn't normal."

"Wh-" Grian started before opening his chats, a hologram screen appearing in front of his face.

<Etho> I swear I just saw a rabbit in the jungle.

<Docm77> Rabbits don't spawn in the jungle wise guy.

<Etho> I'm probably going insane.

<XBCrafted> You can't go there if you're already there, Etho.

<Etho> Y'know something XB? I know how to get on your nerves.

<Renthedog> You know how to get on everyone's nerves.

<Renthedog> Now I think I'm going crazy, I swear I just saw one too. Red eyes.

Grian was about to type a message out when he and the other resistance members got teleported to the resistance headquarters.

"What is going on!?" Grian shouted, "I- ACK!"

He was grabbed by the throat with some form of wire and it dragged him backwards. The grip on it tightened, immediately choking Grian. 

"GRIAN!" Doc shouted throwing something sharp at the assailant, it piercing him in the shoulder releasing his hold on Grian. Grian then removed the wire and scrambled to his feet with the help of Doc and Etho.

"We need to leave! Now!" Grian shouted pressing the button to the door, "Go!"

Grians' breath became fast and stuttered, "ETHO, GET OUT!"

Etho broke his hold on the assailant and flew out, Grian following close behind.

Each of the members landed on the tallest building of the shopping district. When Grian realized Sam could fly he used his Watcher powers and formed a protective beacon dome around them.

When he crashed into the dome Grian smirked then shouted, "HA! CAN'T REACH ME NOW YOU PSYCHO!"

When he flew off, the hermits around him started overwhelming him with questions.

"Grian, who was that?"

"Grian, what is going on?"

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