Hybrid Migration

601 25 14

Warnings: Drugs, Experimentation, Kidnapping, Hiding, Emotions, Nets, basically Hunting, 'Hospitals', Blood, Injury

Relationship: Grian/Everyone

Grian - Watcher; can shapeshift and become invisible / Deaged (12)
Xisuma - Void Walker
Ren - Werewolf
Scar - Cat
Tango - Demon


The day Xisuma rang the alarm will forever be the worst day of my life.

They ransacked all the buildings, destroyed countless homes, most of us didn't escape. The hermits that did, we hunkered down in Xisuma's hangar.

I was never sure of who was after us, but all I knew was that we needed to run — To hide. And the last thing I wanted was for our family to be separated again.

I'd gotten stories of when hybrids were hunted for their powers, so when the alarm goes off, find the nearest adult and head for the northern rendezvous point. We stayed there for three days before we had to move again.

Now it's only Xisuma, Tango, Scar, Ren, and myself. I wanna go back home.

It's currently day five in the hangar, any chance Xisuma gets, he looks in my direction to see if I'm okay. I worry about him... We're missing over half our group. I can tell he's scared, but he acts strong for all of us.

But I know he just wants to go home as much as we do.



He closed his journal with a sigh and looked up. He saw Xisuma pacing, clearly worried about being found.

He saw Grian looking at him and walked over.

"How're you holding up, Gri?"

Grian sat up and sighed, "I'm fine, but I'm worried about you and the ones we lost."

"We'll get them back... Eventually."

"You say 'eventually' like we're going to see them again. Everyone who was caught is probably dead by now."

"We can't give up hope, Sundrop. They're out there somewhere. They have to be."

"I hope you're right."

That night, it stormed, hard and loud. The lightning kept Grian awake. On a loud clap he gasped and jolted awake, staring outside, feeling the wind through his fur. Grian slept as a lion cub on the floor because it made him comfortable. Grian silently looked to his left where Xisuma was sleeping and silently made his way over to him. He took one look at the sleeping male then curled up under Xisuma's arm. He was halfway asleep when Xisuma started running his hand down his spine.

"You okay kid?" He whispered, "Storm keeping you up?"

"Yeah.." Grian whispered back, "Let me stay with you?"

"Of coarse, go back to sleep."

He did so, and soon enough, Xisuma was asleep after.

Grian was the last awake of the group, "Grian, food." He heard Xisuma call, "Come."

Grian got up, changing human as he walked over to the group, "What's for breakfast?"

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