Evil Love

696 29 20

Warnings: Mild Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Evil Xisuma

Summary: Grian has a secret relationship with Xisuma's brother.

Brace yourselves, this one's a weird one.


EX and Grian were laying in bed, Grian asleep, EX putting hickeys all around his neck.

Grian woke with a gasp when he felt a sharp pain against his neck.


EX only hummed then released his hold on Grian's neck.

"Ow, why'd you bite? You know I can't hide a bite."

"You'll be fine."

"You know what Suma'll do if he finds out you're here with me."

"Fuck Xisuma. What's the worse he could do?"

"Kill you."

"I'm his brother, he wouldn't."

"He's done it before."

"He wouldn't perma-kill his own brother. He has too much of a heart."


"What do you mean, 'sure'?" EX chuckled turning Grian towards him, "He hasn't before."

"Yeah, but I love you and I don't want him hurting you."

EX decided to hush him by holding Grian close to his chest. Grian chuckled as he melted into the touch.

Grian was just barely smaller than EX, but he managed to curl up under him.

Every day, Grian left but he would always come back. There wasn't a day where he didn't come back.

At least he thought that until he went back one day and heard shouting behind the door.


"Xisuma, lower your voice, I haven't harmed your little gremlin."

"Then where is he."

Grian opened the door, "SUMA! STOP."

"Grian! There you are, where the hell have you been?!" Xisuma shouted grabbing his arm, "EX-"

"EX IS MY BOYFRIEND YOU IDIOT! He didn't harm me! He hasn't harmed me!" Grian shouted back jerking away, "Leave him alone dude! I left my communicator here and I was coming back to grab it."


"No, Suma, leave him alone. He's your brother, I'm your newest hermit, let him stay. We love each other."

"He's incapable of love, Grian!" Xisuma said rubbing his head, "He's using you."

"No he's not."

"Grian, you don't know him like I do. Alright?"

"I know him enough."

"That's it, I'm killing him."


"Fine." Xisuma glared at EX, "If I get one complaint from him that you've harmed him in any way, shape, or form, you're permanently banned from this server. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it." EX mumbled, "Spaz machine."

"Shut up."

I was bored and didn't know what to do so this happened and it's really awkward and weird, I dunno.

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