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Warnings: false accusations

Relationship: Grian/Doc

Summary: Doc accuses Grian of something he didn't do and Grian runs away.

Things: AOB Dynamics 



"But I didn't do anything wrong!" Grian shouted, tears threatening his eyes, "Doc, what did I do?"

"You know exactly what you did. Now go!"

Grian's heart broke with the very public breakup in the shopping district, many hermits watched as Doc shouted at him. Doc walked away in a huff, Grian put his hands in his sweater pocket, his hand barely moving over his stomach.

Grian summoned his wings and flew away, leaving every hermit in the district worried and concerned. Xisuma, being one of the hermits in the district, noticed two hermits going up to Doc and scolding him. He looked back to where Grian flew away.

"Scar, can you handle Grian?" He asked, turning on his admin consoles, "I need to find out what happened. Grian has done nothing wrong. Maybe someone's messing with Doc's memories."

"Yeah, I'll go talk to him." With that, Scar flew off after Grian, following him into his mansion.


"Gri?" Scar called out, not seeing where he ran through, "Grian, where are you?!"

He heard a thump and he ran over, he saw Grian out with a suitcase, "Grian, What're you doing?"

"I'm leaving." He said, Scar could tell he was crying by the way he spoke, "Doc just doesn't want me around anymore and I just don't know what else to do."

"Don't leave, you don't have anywhere to go."

"The Watchers will take me. That's about it. Everyone in my family was killed so I have no one there."

"Grian, we're your family! You have all right to be here and we don't want you to leave."

"Yeah, well Doc clearly does." Grian paused for a moment, "I just… I don't know what I did wrong."

"That's what Xisuma's trying to find out." Scar put his hand on Grian's shoulder, "You've done nothing wrong."

Scar noticed a small bump on Grian's stomach, "Having mood swings lately?"


"Grian, I'm dyslexic. Not unobservant." Grian looked away, Scar spoke again, "You have Doc's child, don't you?"1


"You can't leave, kid."

"Scar, Doc doesn't want me here."

"Grian, Doc is an idiot." Scar said turning Grian towards his face, "As an omega, Grian, you need to stay with us."

"I don't have to do anything."

Scar's communicator buzzed twice, indicating a private message, "Do you mind if I look at this?"

"Sure, what could be more important?"

Scar opened his communicator, seeing Xisuma telling him that someone messed with Doc's memory chip with a tiny device that he had to remove.

"Grian, someone messed with Doc's memory chip. You don't need to be upset anymore."

"How can someone mess with his chip? He doesn't let anyone but Suma, Iskall, and myself touch his chips."

"We don't know, but you don't have to feel like you need to leave."

Grian stopped moving and sat on the bed, Scar sitting beside him.

"C'mere, Gri. Come give uncle Scar a hug."

Grian chuckled and moved into Scar's embrace, relaxing into his frame.

~Moments later~



Doc ran into the room with Xisuma trailing behind him, "Grian, there you are. I am so sorry, I don't know what happened or why I thought you cheated on me, I am so sorry. Can you forgive me for accusing you of something you didn't do?"

Grian's eyes darted to the two other hermits in the room, then back to Doc, he didn't give him a worded answer, only hugging him until he had no strength. By that time, Xisuma and Scar had left.

"Grian, I am so sorry."

"It's okay." Grian mumbled, "You weren't acting like you."

"Regardless, I shouldn't have yelled at you to leave. You're my omega, and I need to care for you whether you want me to or not. Let me make it up to you, dinner?"

Grian looked at him with a smile, "Always."

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