Fight Or Flight

942 34 29

Warnings: Blood, mentions of sex slavery, chains, torture

Relationship: Ren/Grian but a fatherly relationship

Summary: The summary's a broken, nyeh


Grian was scared to say the least. Nothing he could do would get him away from where he was now.

He was currently being treated as a sex slave for people in a Watcher killing factory that had him frightened.

He was sick with multiple infections and a fever of 105.

He wanted to go home.

He wanted to feel safe.

Grian sat against the cold stone wall as close as he could get. The room was pitch black dark. His entire body trembled, the chains rattled, everything he did made a noise. So he sat quietly, apart from the trembling, not even bothering to make a sound.

He was looked upon as a mob. Nothing better than a spawn. Pure evil. No soul. No emotion.

He just wanted to leave. He wanted to feel safe. He usually wrapped his wings around himself to do that. But he couldn't this time around. They were chained tightly and folded against his back, unable to move.

He was petrified, he didn't fight back. He didn't scream, but his conditions were terrible.

When the door busted open he pulled his arms over his head as a last line of defense just waiting for the beating to come with.

But it didn't happen, instead his chains were being put down.

"Put your arms down kid. I'm here to help you."

"Don't hurt me!" Grian pleaded, jumping away from the hands, "Please, don't... don't hurt me."

He could tell his voice was muffled from the muzzle, but he got his point across because the hands didn't return as roughly.

"Kid, I'm sorry I scared you. I need you to come with me."

"They'll find me... They'll kill me."

"Not where I'm taking you. So come with me now."

He saw the person hold out their hand to him, when he went to grab it, a shock went straight through his body and he screamed.

"You put another hand on him, Void, and I'll kill him with a single button press."


"It's a mob."

"I'll dispose of him."

"No you won't. You'll make him your friend just like you did the last one. So leave before I kill it."

"He's just a kid. He knows not of what's happened."

"Don't care. Leave."

Xisuma looked to the frightened kid on the ground, trembling, boney, traumatized, then looked back to the shift leader.

"No." He said, "He's a kid. He's young. He doesn't know why he's here."

"And why do you think you can save it?"

"He's ten. He's not an it. He's scared." Xisuma said, slowly walking towards the shift leader, "Just let him go."

Xisuma grabbed the remote that connected the torture devices to Grian's figure and broke it. Every torture device released itself from Grian, only the chains were left.

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