When Night Falls

637 23 22

Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Mentioned Abuse, Implied/Mentioned Punishments, Memories, Arguing, Blood, Cutting, Swearing

Relationship: Grian/Scar

Summary: The hermits get more than they bargain for when they are put into Season Seven. A new Watcher, to everyone but Grian, is in charge of Season Seven.

Inspired by: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29397000


Each hermit was gathered around the new portal, Xisuma speaking up against the Hermits.

"Alright guys, it's time for the jump!" Xisuma shouted, "Let's get through this."

Each hermit, one by one, walked through the portal, appearing in a large room. Purple, dimly lit, arches. They heard a loud flap of wings grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hermitcrafters, welcome. We are the Watchers. You have all been chosen to have changes forcibly made to your bodies and genetic structure. Some of you will be in immense pain because of it."

Grian could feel the eyes staring into his soul.

"XÍther will be your designated Watcher."

A darkness surrounded Grian, he could see his breath when he breathed.

"It's time to accept your past, Xelqua."

When Grian came to, he was near a lake he crawled over slowly, feeling the pebbles of the jungle he was in pushing into the skin of his palms.

He felt power flowing through his veins, the Watcher's mark glowing on his collarbone, his wings against his back, purple and white.

Fuck. Not this again. I left this life behind a long time ago. I didn't want to come back.

The band against his wrist vibrated, the holographic chat opening over his wrist.

<Xisuma> Is everyone okay?

<GTWScar> In a jungle, got a tail and pointy ears, but I'm fine.

<Ren> Same as Scar but I don't think it's a cat tail.

<Xisuma> I literally look like a void walker and it's driving me mad.

<Grian> Xisuma, I don't like this.

<Xisuma> What have you got? What's wrong?

<Grian> Watcher. That's all you need to know.

<Xisuma> I forgot about that... Are you okay?

<Grian> Peachy. I'm gonna start working on my starter base, I'm in the jungle.

With that last text, he closed the screen and started hollowing out a nearby mountain, building, creating a food source, and putting up a bed.

In a couple days, his base was complete. He yawned, stretching his arms above his head. He popped his wings once before hearing a voice, "Hello, Xelqua."

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