Thunder Before The Storm

958 38 13

Warnings: Mentions of abuse & molestation *Only for one sentence*, implied/referenced blood and injury, drug abuse

Relationship: Grian x Ren, GriSuma (Brotherly relationship.)


Grian thrashed through his sleep, beside Ren, he started making small noises as his nightmare got worse. The storm outside didn't help either.


He had just been left on the doorstep of some random building. He sat under an overhang that shielded him from the cold rain. He shivered, visibly shaking. He was left on the streets alone, he had no coat, no umbrella, no nothing. He was hungry, sad, scared... His emotions were all over the place.

A three year old shouldn't be having to go through this.

He hid his face in his knees as he started crying.

Why did they leave me here?

What did I do wrong?

Where am I supposed to go?

What do I do?

How do I react?

People are walking by without a glance at me.

I'm tired...



I'm hurt.

Wrist is sprained.

Cuts and scrapes against the palms of my hands from being thrown out of the car.

He laid on the cold, wet concrete. He fell asleep from lack of energy.

A woman walked up to him, she kneeled down.

"You're so tiny..." She mumbled, "Out here all alone..." She picked him up and brought him to her car, "You poor thing, you must be freezing."

She made sure to buckle him up in the seat, making sure his head was supported. Then she drove away to her mansion where she lived with her one son and husband.

As she walked in with Grian in her arms, her husband walked up to her.

He gestured to the person in her arms, "Jaz what is this?"

"I found him out on the street, alone. No one was with him, I don't know how long he's been out there."

"Jaz, we already have Xisuma. We don't need another mouth to feed."

"Shane, we have three million dollars. We can afford another kid." Jaz scolded, "Besides, his wrist is swollen and he's hurt."

"Fine, but tomorrow we're taking him to our doctor on call."

She brought Grian up to their spare room and laid him in the bed. She took one look at his palms and grimaced at the sight. She went to grab a first aid kit and went to clean the scrapes.

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