Night Parties

487 20 6

Warnings: Implied injuries, controlling, Silent auctions of humans/hybrids

Relationship: None

AU: Omegaverse (Alpha/Omega/Beta Dynamics)
Things: Grian - 16, Angel hybrid omega / SamGladiator - Rabbit hybrid alpha and Sadist / Xisuma - alpha, Void Walker / Mumbo - Alpha, Dragon hybrid


Grian was sleeping against the wall. 


Grian jolted awake, "Huh? What? Oh, Sam. Yeah?"

"Get up, we have an hour and a half before the auction." Sam growled, pulling Grian to his feet, "But you need to wash up first, and get into your tux. So go."

"Whatever." Grian mumbled, stripping off his clothes and getting into the shower. The water was as cold as ice. He spent twenty minutes there then got dressed. As he was tying his bow-tie, he heard Sam wolf whistle at him, "You do know you're a rabbit, not a wolf, right?"

"You just look cute all gussied up for your perspective suiters."

Grian sighed, "Have you seen my ankle support? After the beating you gave me last night, I've not been able to stand properly. So where is it?"

Sam tossed him the support and watched Grian put it on then finish putting his shoes on.

"Let's go love."

"This is extortion." Grian groaned, walking beside Sam to the van, "I hate you."

"You'll learn to love being used."

"Go suck my big toe."

The ride to the hotel was completely silent, apart from Sam's humming. Grian stared out the window, leaning against the palm of his hand. His reflection stared at him, he stared back at it, his different coloured eyes showing sorrow and depression.

What happened to you Grian? You had a good life before you went to Sam. You've been raped, beaten, whipped, injured, and you stupidly play piano for it all.

I wish my life would go back to the way it was before.

"Alright, Gree-on. Let's go. You are not allowed to talk to anyone, just play the piano while we get our bets."

As they walked in, they walked through the back and Grian got set up at the grand piano on the main stage. Grian waited for Sam's signal in the back to begin playing.

When he did start, he was playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.


The group of hermits were chatting around a long table, some drinking champagne, others drinking some form of non-alcoholic sparkling water.

"So what do you guys think this is all about?" Xisuma stared, "We've all never been invited to one of these parties before."

Little did Xisuma know, Mumbo was listening to the people behind them talk.

"How much are you betting on the pianist? I'm wanting to pay a nice pretty penny for it."

"Fair choice my dear master. Maybe he can bear you a child."

"Maybe you can watch your mouth before I mute it for you."

Mumbo turned his attention back to the hermits, "Guys, it's a silent auction for the pianist."

"The pianist? What's so special about the pianist?" Xisuma asked, looking over towards the player.

"I don't know, but he looks like he's not enjoying what he's doing."

"Well if you were being auctioned off, you wouldn't either."

The hermits continued talking, the pianist continued playing. Then the group decided on a mutual agreement for the angel.

A person with a ballot box and Xisuma put in their bid of $150Mil or in their case two stacks of diamond blocks. They figured it was their best bet to save the angel from the people here.

It was about 9PM when Sam walked out, "The results are in ladies and gentle-hybrids." A chuckle, Grian only glared at him, "The winner of the auction goes to the people of Hermitcraft with their bet of $150 Million Dollars. Your admin needs to come to the backroom and pay, then you can pick up your prize in the alley. You can take him home then."

Grian got up and left. Leaning against the back of the van for about twenty minutes before the group walked out.

"Now since you people paid us more than we were hoping for, I'm willing to let him go. His debts are paid as long as he stays in your server. If I see him, he's mine. Now take him and get out."

Grian walked in front of the group and immediately saw dragon wings, "Mumbo?"


"You two know each other?" Xisuma chimed in, "What's going on?"

Grian spoke up, "I used to be Mumbo's friend back before Freshman year. Sam, the sadistic bastard, kidnapped me and started auctioning me off for the past seven years to bear random asswipes a child." He took a breath, "Thank you for getting me out of this hellhole."

Grian heard Sam clear his throat.

He turned around and tossed his jacket at him, "I hope you die in a fire Sam." They heard sirens, "Oh, and have fun with the cops. I'm sure they'll shoot you in the head for me."

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