Stuck In Time

432 25 5

Warnings: Trauma

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma


May 17th 2015, 8 PM. 

Alone in his room, huddled against the wall, knees to his chest. He could barely breathe.

"Xelqua, you know we only do this because we love you."

"You put a MEDALLION in my chest!" Grian shouted, "Who does that to their child!?"

His mother and father both walked in front of him, "We told you, we were doing this for your own safety."

"I don't know what medallion you put into me, but I didn't consent to this."

"You're FIFTEEN. You don't get consent." His father shouted, "Now in the morning you're going to Evolutions and you're going to deal with it! Get some sleep."

His parents slammed the doors, he decided to lay down and go to sleep.


17, May, 2021, 9 PM

Grian remained the same size throughout the six years since he left. Grian sat on the highest point of his mansion and stared at the night sky. His wings fluttered weightlessly behind him. Thoughts and memories flooded his mind from his past.

His communicator buzzed against his wrist and he silently opened it.

<Xisuma> Gri, come down from your mansion and talk to me. I want to know what's wrong.

Grian sighed deeply and jumped off where he sat.

He floated slowly to the ground.

"What?" He asked, clearly upset about something.

"You've been upset on this day every year. What's going on?" Xisuma asked, putting his arm around his shoulders, "Talk to me."

"You won't understand."

"I'm a Void creature, you're a Watcher, try me."

Another sigh, "I don't think I've aged."

"Okay, I don't understand. Explain it to me while we walk."

Grian looked to his feet while he and Xisuma spoke, "When I was fifteen, my parents put a medallion or something in my chest... I think I've stopped aging since that day. I've not gotten taller, I don't feel older, six years has passed and I still don't think I've aged."

"I've read up on Watcher kind, Gri." Xisuma said softly, "There are multiple medallions that could cause that."

Grian pulled his arms around himself silently, just continuing to go back to that one day, "I just really don't think I've aged. I don't care what medallion is embedded in my chest I just want it gone! I want to age again, I don't want to live forever. I still feel like I'm fifteen, I have the energy of a fifteen year old and that's never changed. I'm supposed to be twenty-one, Suma. But I just... I don't feel like it."

Xisuma didn't say anything, only walked him to his base. He watched as Grian laid in bed, upset, he could see tears streaming down his face.

"What if I remove the medallion?" Xisuma asked out of the blue, "I mean I know Watcher anatomy. If I can just locate it, then I can remove it."

"I think it's too dangerous." Grian mumbled, pulling the blanket over his face but Xisuma pulled it back down.

"Gri, I'm saying I can take it out. It wouldn't be my first time removing a medallion out of someone's chest."

Grian thought for a moment, "In the morning."

In the morning

Xisuma was examining Grian's chest when he finally found the medallion. The item had a broken clock in the middle.

With a void portal, he was able to reach into Grian's chest without hurting him and carefully take out the medallion.

Once out, Xisuma examined the medallion, "It's a time medallion... No wonder he thinks he's stopped aging. It's because his entire body cycle had been stopped the moment it was put in."

When the portal closed, Grian's body immediately grew to the appropriate height that was meant for his age. Xisuma smiled and woke Grian up, "Hey love, wake up."

"Let me sleep."

"I'll drag you out of the bed, get up." When Grian didn't move, Xisuma picked him up, "C'mon shrimp. You need to go have some fun, I took that medallion out and you're back to normal!"

Grian fell out of Xisuma's arms and patted his chest, "Where-Where is it?"

"It's on the desk and I'm going to destroy it for you. Okay?"

Grin looked to the side, a wide smile spread across his face. Grian quickly embraced himself in a hug with Xisuma, causing him to jump back, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my gosh Sumy, I can't express enough how much that means to me!"

"You wanted to be you again. I figured I could do that for you, make you happy."

"You make me happy regardless of what you do. But this means so much."

"Don't mention it, go have fun."

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