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Warnings: Blood, Injury, temporary amnesia, watchers cuz meh, idk if I should put kissing in this but it's there and it's a brief sentence.

Summary: Grian has severe amnesia after appearing through a Void rift. The hermits try and get his memories back.

Intended Ship: Grian x Xisuma (Alpha/Omega/Beta Dynamics)


Xisuma had just gotten up from looking in a chest when a void rift appeared in front of him and a person came through. 

"What- Oh Void! Grian!" Xisuma shouted running to his side, "Grian? Grian, wake up!" 

Grian was completely unconscious. Nonresponsive to any reaction. Xisuma quickly rushed him to their nearest medical ward and paged Scar.


"X, what happened!?" Scar asked immediately and started working on the small gash on the side of Grian's head, and the one on his side, "This isn't normal. Grab the Watcher antidotes."

As Xisuma was grabbing the antidotes, he stated, "I don't know what happened. He just appeared in front of me through a void rift. I didn't even know he was missing!"

"Honestly, I don't think anyone noticed." Scar said taking the darker coloured antidote and putting it into a needle and injecting it into Grian's arm, "Go wait outside, I'll handle this."

Xisuma nodded and walked out of the room and waited.

Scar walked out an hour later, "He'll be okay. We won't know how much happened to him until he wakes up."

"Thanks, Scar." Xisuma mumbled, "I can watch him."

"Sure, just don't touch him. He needs to keep his skin sterilized on his front. If you have to touch him, it better be because he needs to be laid back down because he sat up."

"Of coarse."

Some time passes and Xisuma was slightly pacing in front of Grian's bed. When he heard Grian hiss from pain he ran over to him. 


He flinched harshly as he tried sitting up only to scream in pain and light his entire arm on fire as he glared into Xisuma's eyes, "I don't know you. Where am I? Who are you? And what am I doing here?"

"I- What? Grian, you're back home in Hermitcraft." Xisuma said pushing him back to lay down only to be threatened with a hotter flame, "Grian, you know me! I'm Xisuma! Your mate for a full year!"

"Sorry, but I don't know you and all threats should be eliminated."

He jumped out of the bed and tackled Xisuma to the ground, a growl forming in his throat.

"GRIAN, SNAP OUT OF IT!" Xisuma shouted, "This isn't you!"

"I don't know what you're talking about stranger."

"Grian, you have my claim marks!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Xisuma saw Scar walk to a drawer and grabbed something then shot it at Grian. The item latched around Grian's neck causing him to stumble off of Xisuma.

Grian tried using his powers but nothing came. He snarled at the two hermits.

"Grian, we know you're mad..." Xisuma said cautiously walking up to him, "But we don't want you harming anyone or yourself."

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