Dropped (3)

622 27 5

Read previous for warnings.

Warnings added: Torture


I woke up in so much pain.

The biggest thing in my body in pain was my broken arm. It felt like it was shattered in fifty pieces.

"Oh you're awake. That'll make this more fun."

"Sam, don't... Please."

"Beg all you want..." I saw him walk over to the side with my broken arm, "But you won't escape."

He gripped my arm tight. And I screamed. It was so painful, I couldn't move without being in pain.

The torture kept coming.

Cuts, stabs, electricity shocks, all of it.

At one point I started crying from the pain, I didn't want to move and I didn't feel like I could breathe. For a moment I thought I felt him touch but then immediately disappeared.

I opened my eyes and saw no one in the room I was in. There was a knife on the side of my non-broken arm. I grabbed it and moved it enough to cut the straps against my arm, then continued with the rest of the straps and sat up.

I cradled my broken arm, it was probably more broken than I thought it was. I saw my communicator on the side table and grabbed it.

After looking at my coordinates, I sent them in the chat and waited for anyone to come help me.

I sat in a corner with my arm cradled on top of my other.

"Grian? Grian! Where are you?!"

I looked up when I heard their voices, they must have not seen me when I walked in, "I'm here..." My voice sounded small and frightened. Then four people walked up to me.

Zedaph was the one person closest to me and I moved under him as Xisuma took my arm. He poured a healing potion on it to get it to stop hurting so bad then he put a sling around my neck and gently put my arm in it.

I knew that if Zed was here, Tango and Impulse were as well. Soon enough when my breathing was calm, I noticed Tango walking over and carried me bridal style out of where we were. 

I ended up falling asleep at some point, because the next time I woke up I was in bed beside Zedaph, Impulse, and Tango. Everyone was asleep, so I smiled and went back into my slumber after snuggling deeper under Zedaph, realizing that my arm was completely casted up.

My hermits are nice.

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