Failed Assassinations

563 21 13

Warnings: Blood, attempted murder, Injury

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Things: Grian - Watcher omega, pregnant (because angst), captain of 212
Xisuma - Void alpha, Grian's alpha

Summary: Sam comes back for revenge after someone breaks him out of prison, Grian is his main target.


Grian and Xisuma were talking in Grian's office, "I don't know how I feel about you being at work right now, Grian. It could be too dangerous."

"Oh please, I've been through a lot. Including being on a heat, unclaimed, and in a room of cops that are all alphas. Me carrying your child on the job should be the least of your worries."

"You are a sassy captain, you know that?"

"You got lucky and got a sassy angel. So that's on you." 

"Precinct 212, attention please."

"Precinct 212." Grian responded, the person on the other end started speaking once more.

"We have an escaped convict, he escaped this morning. His name is Sam Gladiator. Please alert your precinct."

"Right away." He looked at Xisuma, "Gather everyone down in the garage. We need cars out immediately after debriefing."

"Right away."

When Xisuma left, Grian got up and immediately got a cramp. He took a moment to breathe, he grabbed his water and walked out of his office down to the garage.

Xisuma and the rest of his team were listening to Grian talk.

"Guys, we need to be prepared for anything while Dispatch is keeping us open on this escaped convict." Grian stated, for a moment a bright light shined in his eyes, "Guys, cover your watches. You're blinding me, anyways, with Dispatch do-AH."

A gun shot was heard, Xisuma ran to Grian's side. He grabbed Grian's hand, "Grian?"

Grian gasped, "Get behind cover you idiot."

They heard another shot, it hit the ground next to Xisuma, he took another look at Grian and grabbed him, pulling him behind cover.

He put pressure on Grian's GSW, he was quickly fading. Xisuma radioed for immediate back up.

"I've got a 10-13, victim is a 26 year-old male, GSW to the heart at precinct 212. He's fading faster than I can help him. I need immediate back up and paramedics, NOW."

He took a look at Grian, "Grian, stay with me. Please, just stay with me."

Grian's head fell to the side, "Grian, don't fall asleep! Don't fall asleep!" He then turned towards the rest of the precinct, "Bullet proof vests on, NOW."

Grian was quickly bleeding out, the gunshots stopped when paramedics arrived.

Grian was immediately moved, his heart was starting to stop beating.

On the ambulance ride over, Xisuma took hold of Grian's hand and held it tightly. 

"Lieutenant Void, how far along is he!?" One of the paramedics shouted, "We need to know in case we need to give him any medicine."

"Two months." Xisuma said, "Don't let him die with a bullet in his heart."

"We don't plan too, but we're doing what we can."

Once at the hospital, Xisuma watched outside the operating room while a team of four doctors were helping Grian. When they were done, Xisuma cleaned himself up getting all of Grian's blood off his hands. He walked into Grian's hospital room, where Grian was awake and sitting up.

"Hey.." He said, rushing over, taking hold of Grian's hand, "How are you feeling?"

"Alive." Grian replied with a chuckle though his voice was beyond raspy, "I think he has a target."

"Don't joke with me right now, Grian. You nearly died in my arms."

"But I didn't."

"If you weren't hurt, I would hit you right now."

Grian chuckled then put his free hand on his stomach, "Did they tell you about our child?"

"I was too worried about you to even think about our child."

The doctor walked in, "You're lucky to be alive. You and your child."

Grian sighed in relief as he let his head hit the back of his bed.

"If you weren't a Watcher, you'd have been dead."

"That's so relaxing. Geez."

After a while, Grian fell back to sleep. Xisuma brought Grian's hand up to his face. His free hand laying on Grian's stomach, primarily feeling him breathe. Every once in a while, he'd feel a small kick from the child growing inside his partner.

"I won't let him harm you again." Xisuma whispered, "I refuse to let it happen."

"Lieutenant Void, report in."


"We have details on the attack that you may want to know about."

"On my way." He took one last look at Grian, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

A kiss on the forehead and he left, unknowing that someone was lurking, hiding among the doctors.

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