There's No Excuse

809 31 34

Warnings: Blood, Injury, Light swearing

Relationship: GriDoc

Summary: Grian gets hurt while flying over area77


It's a late, raining, cold night, Grian's just flying over Area77 at the wrong time, he heard a snap and a tear and suddenly he was falling.

"SHIT!" He shouted, landing hard on the concrete skidding on his left side. He whined in excruciating pain as he tried rolling to his back, "Ow that is so painful.."

He couldn't move without a sharp pain in his shoulder.

He knew he needed to call for help. He just couldn't move.

He felt tears rolling down his face as he saw a red light in the bushes.

"Doc if you're going to kill me just do it now." Grian strained, but no hit came. Only him walking closer.

"Grian?" Doc asked kneeling beside him, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Does it look like I'm okay?"

Doc started scanning the small hermit on the ground. He hummed and lightly touched Grian's injured shoulder making him yelp in pain.

"Can you walk?"

As Grian spoke his voice trembled, "If I can't even breathe without hurting, what makes you think I can walk?"

"Fair enough." Doc replied, carefully sitting Grian up, he nearly screamed with each movement no matter how slow it was, "Look, I need to move you inside. You'll catch a cold in the rain, plus all my medical supplies are inside."

Grian cradled his arm, "Fine.. Just... Just be careful."

"As much as I can." Doc carefully picked up the soon sobbing hermit and carried him inside. Grian trembled in Doc's arms as he carried him inside.

For a moment, Doc could hear whining in Grian's breathing, he walked slightly quicker through the halls of Area77 to their nearest medbay.

As he opened the door, he walked to a table and gently laid Grian on it. The first thing Doc did was start to unlatch Grian's elytra from his chest. Earning a gasp when the strap went over the injured shoulder.

"Stop squirming. I know you're hurting, but I need to get your wings off. If you can, kick off your boots for me."

Grian was in no place to fight back or protest, so he did as he was asked as Doc took off his helmet and slightly lifted him to slide out the set of wings and carefully setting Grian down again. He started cutting off Grian's sweater to expose his injured shoulder.

When he was finished Doc walked over to a cabinet and brought out a syringe as Grian took off his armour leggings.

Doc walked back to Grian and put the syringe into the back of Grian's shoulder.

Grian gasped, "Ow, what did you do?"

"Easy, it's just an anesthetic. Just calm down. I'll be able to set your shoulder back when you're numb."

"Is it dislocated?"

"A little bit. But it also looks like you might have fractured something on the way down too."

He looked at Grian's wrist, "I'm going to need to splint up your wrist. Get some sleep. I'll take care of you. When you wake up, you'll be in a different room."


Unconsciousness claimed Grian quickly and Doc continued to work over on Grian.

Soon enough, Scar walked in.

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