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Warnings: Blood,

Relationship: Grian x Xisuma / CubxScar

Summary: The vex take over Cubs' mind, Tango becomes the demon on his shoulder, literally, hijinks ensue.


"So it's been a bit of an odd day on the server today.." Grian started, "We got attacked by Cub, Tango's giving him directions on what to do."

"And now Scar is basically the angel on his shoulders." Xisuma added, "And now we're in chains."

"With our powers temporarily neutralized."

"Well, Grian, you can't use your powers anyways. He knows Watcher anatomy and he found you more of a threat than me."

"You don't have to remind me that he's slit my wrists. I'm actually quite dizzy."

"So how'd we get to this point while we wait for our rescue?"


Cub woke up feeling oddly overwhelmed with something sparking in his mind. He smiled evilly then went to meet up with Tango.

"Why hello my dear Tango!" Cub greeted.

"Hello Cubby!" Tango greeted back, "Why are your eyes glowing?"

Cub smirked then a large ball of white filled both their visions and Tango was now a blue devil on Cubs' shoulder.


Grian was asleep against Xisuma while he was fiddling with his communicator when Xisuma felt a strange disturbance.

He immediately turned his attention away from the communicator in his hands and went to wake Grian.

"Grian." He shook him slightly, "Grian, wake up."

"Nng... What?" Grian asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes, "Something doesn't feel right."

"That's why I woke you."

Grian held out his hand, "It's not Watchers."

Then he got out of bed and walked to the door and looked at the sky, "Uh.. X.." Grian shouted, "You might wanna come look at this."

When they both fully walked outside, they saw that the entire sky had turned a very bright purple.

"Are you sure this isn't Watcher magic?"

Grian pulled his hand above his head and attempted to light it on fire, only to have it bounce back and injure him slightly.

"Ow! Yeah.. That's not Watcher magic, that's Vex magic." Grian said, shaking his hand then summoning his wings and getting into the air. When he landed once more he spoke to Xisuma, "There's blue lightning strikes going all the way down to the town hall. Something is definitely wrong."

"Uh, Gri? You might wanna look in the chat."

<Cubfan135> Every hermit bows to me now.

<ImpulseSV> What are you going on about?

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