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Relationship: ZIT/Grian

Summary: Grian sets up the perfect Valentines Day date.


"Where's Grian?" Tango groaned, "He's late again!"

"He's a busy hermit." Zedaph said, "We're all busy, plus the barge is extremely popular."

"Yeah, but this is the third time this month that he's been late. I don't want to have to punish him again by taking his rocket privileges away."

"That's a little over the top, Tango." Impulse chimed in over the two, "It's not like he's ditching us."

Then the roof hatch to Zed's base opened up.

"There he-"

Grian fell from a high place

<Grian> Oops.

<ImpulseSV> LOL!

<Tango> Well.

<Zedaph> Great landing.

<Grian> Gee thanks.

<Grian> I'm doing fine thanks for asking guys. Sheesh.

<ImpulseSV> Want us to grab your stuff?

<Grian> Please :(

<Grian> I'm shame swimming back to the island.

<Zedaph> Shame swimming?

<Grian> Long story.

Grian arrived in five minutes.

"Hey, guys!" He chuckled walking through the door wringing out his sweater, "That wasn't part of the plan."

"Grian, why were you late?"

"Well, my dear Tango..." Grian started, "I know you guys wanted to have wine tonight for Valentines, BUT.."

"I don't like that."

"But, I wanted to do something different. We're still gonna have wine, but only after what I have planned. Follow me."

He grabbed all his stuff, donned his elytra and flew out, the other three following suit.

They'll love this. It's perfect. I've spent a week preparing all of this.

Grian had the three of them go to the top of the mountain in a rather large building that he had put together with Scar and BDubs just for this occasion.

"Give me five minutes, I'll be right back."

When Grian returned, he was in a white long sleeved shirt, red sequined vest that had a purple G on the left shoulder. 

"What is all this?" Tango asked, "Grian-"

"Tonight, I am at your service. Dinner tonight will be chicken parmesan with garlic bread, saffron rice, and assorted vegetables by yours truly." Grian said, acting as if he works in a fancy restaurant, "Our live performance will feature me and some lovely acapella from our acapella hermits."

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