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Athazagoraphobia - The fear of being abandoned/forgotten/ignored

Warnings: Panic

Relationship: Grian/Xisuma (Fatherly), Grian/Scar (Uncle)

Things: De-Aged Grian - (7) Watcher
Xisuma - Void
Scar - Cat


Grian slept with his wings surrounding himself, all his limbs underneath the fluffiness of his feathers. He tended to sleep while having one of his knuckles between his teeth.

Xisuma knew that Grian had Athazagoraphobia, he never wanted to leave him alone because he would panic easily if he was never there for him to see when Grian woke up.

"Scar, just please make sure he doesn't think that I've abandoned him." Xisuma said, "He's been through so much already. I don't want him to think that I've abandoned him."

"Xisuma, Grian's in good hands." Scar said, he and Xisuma both looking at the sleeping child who was primarily on top of his fluffy pillow, "Trust me. You love him like a son, there's no way I'll let him think that."

"Okay..." Xisuma whispered, he knelt beside the sleeping child. He smiled at him, ran his hand over Grian's curls, a small kiss on the forehead, "Just promise me you'll keep a close eye on him."

"Xisuma, don't worry. He'll be fine. Now go, save Ren. We need our hermit back. I'll assure him that you'll be back, don't worry."

"Keep him distracted? I might not be back until tomorrow, I don't want him to just freak out and panic."

"Xisuma, I said he'll be fine. Now go. Go, go, go. Shoo. Go get Ren."

Xisuma left after ending one last look at Grian. Scar on the other hand went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for the young Watcher.

As Scar was walking in, Grian was waking up, "Where Suma?"

"Xisuma will be back." Scar started, immediately seeing the look of panic in Grian's eyes, "Not like that. Xisuma will be back, he just needs to get one of our hermits from the MainHub. Don't worry, Gri, he'll be back before you know it."

Scar could hear a whine come from the child, "C'mere Grian. Xisuma loves you to the bottom of his heart, he would never leave you and never return."

"But he left..."

'He's just running off on mission. He still loves you and he will come back."

For the rest of that day Grian and Scar watched movies,  just trying to keep Grian distracted.

Xisuma wasn't back the following morning.

A Week and a half later

Xisuma walked into the main room, "Where's Grian? Where's my boy?"

Grian stood silent in the back of the room. His hands inside the pockets of his sweater, looking at Xisuma with worried/scared look. His thumbs twirled around each other in his pockets.

Xisuma dropped his bag and walked slowly towards Grian, "Gri? Hey buddy, it's me."

He was a few steps in front of him, "Gr-OH!"

The breath was knocked out if him when the young child suddenly hugged him.

"It's okay kiddo. It's okay, I'm here now. I'm back. I missed you too."

"Don't ever leave me like that again!" The young boy cried, "I thought after the fifth day you weren't coming back."

"Whoa, hey, Gri..." Xisuma said, pulling Grian's eyes to his, "I just got caught in the middle of something while trying to get Ren back. I'd never leave you here alone."

Later that night, Grian slept with Xisuma, just to remind himself that he isn't alone anymore. He's been with Xisuma for two years, he never was alone, and if he was, it was for five minutes and Xisuma was back.

Xisuma's arm laid over Grian's feathers, just slowly reminding the child that he was there, not leaving.

At one point during the night Grian's wings surrounded both him and Xisuma. And Xisuma knew, that was how Grian knew he was safe.

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