Angels and Death

850 24 16

Warnings: Light Swearing

Relationship: None



Grian lived with his uncle, Itherial. Itherial was demanding, controlling, and royalty. The two always butted heads, it made Grian question why he took him in after his parents were killed in war.

Today was a completely different problem, however. Grian's a fifteen year old angel, he's excelled in everything just to prove himself to Itherial.

But nothing ever worked for him. Always seen as a kid with no real future.

"ITHERIAL!" Grian shouted, "Itherial, listen to me!"

"What do you want, Xelqua?" Itherial groaned, "You're too young to be looking over a world. I'm not granting you access to one."

"Not even the one that I made?! Itherial, you're my cousin, but I need you to listen to me an-"

"Xelqua, that's enough!" Itherial shouted, "Go to your room, you're not taking over a world."








"That's enough, Grian!" Itherial shouted, scaring Grian enough to step him back. He never used his actual name, "That's enough, go to your room. End of argument."

"Itherial.. I-"

"I said, go." He turned and left, leaving Grian in the hall to his thoughts.

Grian went straight to his room without another word.

A couple hours later, Itherial walked into Grian's room.

"Xe- Grian."


"I'm.. I'm sorry. Look, Grian.." Itherial started, "You're still a very young angel. I care about you, I don't want you to get hurt."

Grian stayed quiet in the corner with his wings wrapped around himself.

"After what happened with Aurora and Sunses, I just.. I can't think about losing you too. Aurora was my sister and she loved you so much that she entrusted me with your care."

"Itherial, I just.. I just want to prove to you I can do.."

"Is that what all this is about? Just proving to me what you can do?"

"Well.. I mean, yeah. I wasn't born into a royal family.. You were and when my parents died and you took me in, that's when my entire life turned upside down... Ever since I've always felt like I needed to prove that I can do what you can."

"Grian, you don't have to prove anything to me. I can be an overzealous jackass sometimes, but you don't have to prove yourself to me."

"Then why are you basically making me do it?"

"Is that what I've been doing? Making you feel like you needed to be something bigger than what you are?"

Grian shrunk down a little further, "Well... Yeah.. That's all I've been trying to prove, I can do what you can do.."

"Grian, I'm sorry. You don't have to prove anything to me. You're fine just the way you are. You're just a tad disobedient."

Grian glared at him.

"Okay, fine, completely disobedient. But that doesn't stop you from being you." Itherial sighed, "Come here... Your mother left me something to give to you for when you turned eighteen, but I think you should have it now."

Grian followed Itherial to a completely different room.

In that room were many different mementos of Grian's life.

"Your mother set this up when you were born. Every highlight of every year of your life is in this room." 

Grian looked around in awe, "How did I not find this?"

"Damned if I know, Grian."

Itherial walked to a drawer and tossed Grian a box, "Your mother gave me that to give to you."

"A necklace?"

"A locket, the picture inside is a picture of you three when you were born. A happy family really. I wasn't exactly around because I was busy with this whole royalty thing."

That night, it was nearly two AM when Grian woke up to a scream.

"Itherial?" He whispered, got up from bed and walked to Itherial's room, "I-Itherial?"

"Oh my gosh! Itherial!"

Cliffhanger.... Part 2 may happen. I don't know yet because I'm evil.

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