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TW: Mentions of blood, violence

Xisuma has mysteriously disappeared. Grian was working with the ConVex, Doc, and Iskall to try and find him. With five technical smart people, they're bound to find something, right?

"It's been three days. Have you guys found him?" 

"No, Mumbo. No we haven't." Grian said looking back at the man, "We're trying to work as fast as we can."

"And with people constantly interrupting us, we're getting slowed down." Doc said, "Mumbo, we need to work."

"We can't have any distractions." Iskall added, "Xisuma could be hurt."

Grian turned back to the computer and started to type quickly, "Hold up... Guys."


"We have Xisumas' communicator right?"

"Yeah, we do." Iskall said throwing it at him. Grian caught it, "What do you have planned?"

"Hear me out, I'm thinking since this is connected to his helmet maybe we can track him from that." Grian turned his attention to the communicator and attached it to the computer and started hacking through it.


"What did you find, G?" Iskall asked.

"I got a set of coordinates." Grian said, "-4500, 7, 2300. Let's move."

He quickly made haste with Iskall, Doc, and Cub following him.


Xisuma was tied to a chair with his hands behind him. He had a bleeding gash across his chest and down one of his arms. His captors left him for some time, though this time was different. He heard a loud bang of a door opening and a pitched British voice call out for him.



Xisuma jumped when he felt soft hands on him, "Xisuma, it's me."

"Grian.. Hey.." Xisuma said weakly.

"He's alive, let's get him out of here." Grian said, "Iskall, Doc, ropes, I'll handle the healing potion." 

Grian then brought out a healing potion and helped Xisuma drink it. 

"Grab him and let's go." Cub said, Doc immediately picked the admin up and the group quickly ran out of the small chamber and flew to the main land. Grian pulled out his chats while flying ahead of the group.

<Grian> Found X, need medical team at the town hall ASAP

<Stressmonster101> On it

<Keralis1> okay brian

Once Xisuma was taken care of, Grian and Scar stayed beside him. The two only wanting to make sure that he wakes up.

"His vitals are fine... Just a bit of blood loss."

"Scar, I know. I'm just worried. He didn't look like he could fight anything or anyone."

"Grian, I'm positive Xisuma will be fine."

"'M glad someone is." Grian chuckled, "I know he'll be fine. He's Xisuma, he's been through worse."

"Yeah, like almost getting digested by a plant."

"I've done the same thing, your shops are a hazard!" 

The two shared a laugh as Xisuma sat up in the bed without them knowing, and with Grian closest to him, Xisuma grabbed his shoulders, making Grian scream ad pull away.

"Oh my gosh. X!"

"He got you good, G-Man!"

"Shut up Scar."

Xisuma threw his legs over the bed with a chuckle, "Gotcha, I'm okay guys."

"Bed rest." Someone said that wasn't one of the three.

"Oh hey Doc." Grian chuckled.

"Xisuma, good to see that you're okay, but you're on bed rest. No working until you're able to stand without falling."

"That's fair Doc."

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