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Warnings: Experimentation of a child, Restraints, Torture, Cages

Relationship: None

Summary: Grian's with the Watchers, he's saved by Xisuma, another Watcher.


Grians POV

I'm a seven year old Watcher. I was born into the life of them. I only had my mother with me.

I was sitting on the carpeted floor grooming my feathers and mindlessly humming with a smile, just waiting for my mother to come back.

I heard the door handle jiggle then my mum walked in.

"Mum!" I shouted, getting up and running into her arms, "I missed you mum."

She picked me up less than a second later, "Hey baby. What have you been doing in here, huh? Being a mess?"


"Ah.." She chuckled, "You were in here being adorable."

I giggled and moved my head under her chin.

"C'mon, hun." She started carrying me to my bed, which was five times my size mind you, "It's getting late."

"But mum! I'm not tired."

"Too bad. You're young and you need sleep."

I whined as she laid me in the bed. She pulled the blanket over me and I rolled to my side and folded my left wing over myself.

She started humming the song she always hummed to get me to sleep, and I always fell asleep about halfway through.

~A Few Hours Later~

I woke up to being carried. But I being bounced around more than a usual walking speed.

I whined to get my carriers attention.

"It's okay, Grian." Mum, "Baby it's okay. Dont panic."

"Mum, what's going on? Why are we running?"

"Hun, just dont Panic okay? I'm going to get you to a safe place."

"Why are we leaving?"

"Your father found us, honey. I didn't want you to worry about it but I know you. I am so sorry."


"I'm going to protect you. Okay?"




I was suddenly thrown to the ground. I whimpered as I saw my mother on the ground, hurt.


I was frozen in fear, I couldn't move.

My father walked closer to me and I quickly got up and tried running away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me up by it to his face.

"Come with me."


"She can't help you. You wont see her again."


He ended up shutting me up by carrying me with his hand across my mouth, muffling my screams.

No matter how much I thrashed, I couldn't get out of his grasp.

I am a tiny Watcher, so my strength is not as strong as everyone else.

In a moment's time I was thrown into a cage.


He slammed his hand against the metal bars of the cage causing me to scream.

"Just shut up, Grian. It's how you'll live."

I trembled as I looked him in the eyes.

In about fifteen minutes I was dragged out and thrown onto a table.

My father pushed me down and tightly tied down my wrists and ankles. He looked me dead in the eyes then strapped down my neck so I couldn't see what he was doing.

I soon felt a small prick in my hand then cold liquid going down through my veins.

I knew about three seconds after, he inserted something into the thing and my body immediately began twitching.

I couldn't fight against the restraints as he just kept noting down things.

Liquid after liquid ran into my bloodstream, I soon became nonresponsive to anything and figures started getting blurry.

It started getting difficult to breathe. I felt a hand on my chest then my restraints being released and soon after that, I was being carried.

I didn't know if I passed out or died. But the next time I saw light, it was of a sun. I still trembled as I moved my head, I was freezing, so I guess it was more of a shiver than anything.

I heard a voice, "Are you okay kid?"


"I'll get you an extra blanket."

I heard another voice...

"Is he going to be okay?"

"He'll be fine. Our people know what they're doing."

"Mum?" I asked, slowly trying to sit up.

"Don't try and sit up baby. You're hurt and weak right now."

I reached my hand out to her from where I heard her voice. I felt her soft hand hold mine and it brought me comfort. It calmed me down just a little bit as I started falling back asleep. I urged her to come closer so I could feel her cloud like feeling wings brush against my arm.

Before i fell completely asleep, I felt that same wing fall behind me and I could feel her feathers against my neck. That's when I knew I was okay, I knew that I'd be okay.

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