
517 21 4

Warnings: Domestic abuse, trauma, mild swearing

Relationship: None


Grian's mother was a Watcher, Grian was born a Watcher. The only reason she knew she inherited her Watcher gene was because of his white wings and the Watcher mark on the back of his neck. Not to mention his purple eyes, his bright purple irises were a telltale sign of a Watcher.

Usually, a Watcher's power was immediate. But Grian was different. His powers wouldn't come. His mother figured it'd be there when the time is right.

Well, he's an only child. His mother every second she gets, spends her time with him. She tells him stories from when she was a child, but she never told him that he had wings when he was born. He's four now, she hid them the day she brought him home. She needed to protect him. Protect him from his father.

Every time Grian's father was drunk, he'd injure him in some way. There were some days when he'd hide in his room to keep away from him when his mother would go off to work.

Today when she got back, she heard screaming coming from her son's bedroom. One of her powers was enhanced sight. When she used that she could see his father shoving him against the wall and choking him. She walked up the stairs quietly and the chance she got, she forced her husband to let go of Grian.

"Don't you dare touch my son like that again. You hear me?" His mother shouted, "He is a child. A FOUR YEAR OLD CHILD WHO CAN'T DEFEND HIMSELF."

"And what're you gonna do about it bitch?"

"Grian and I are leaving before you kill him. I want my child safe and it's clear you don't care." She looked at Grian and dismissed the flames on her hands, "Grian, baby, come here. Let's go."

Despite what he saw, he knew his mother was only protecting him. He ran to him, she picked him up and she started to walk out.

"I'll send for my things."

Grian and his mother went to his mother's parents' place. There Grian's mother let Grian's wings spread and explained to him what a Watcher was and what they did.

"You see baby, they're powerful, but they're also smart." His mother said with a smile, "Your powers are just delayed. You'll be okay."

"I don't have to go back to the house, do I?" Grian asked shyly, his mother moved his hair out of his face, "Mummy?"

"No, of coarse not. I do need to ask you, how long was he hurting you?"

Grian looked away before speaking, "Since I could walk."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was scared he would hurt me more... I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey. Don't apologize. You were scared, it's okay." She hugged the small boy, "None of this was your fault, okay?"

From the doorway, her parents smiled at the way she held Grian.

"She's a good mother. Only her husband was a jerk." The father said, "I wish she never married him."

"Howard, don't. Let's just spoil our grandbaby and move on with life until we can help her find a new home."

Later in the day, Grian's mother called her lawyer, she said that if anything were to happen to her, Grian was to be taken care of under her parent's care.

When it came time to put Grian down for bed, she handed him a small animal to sleep with as he slept. She watched over him for a few minutes while he slept. After giving him a soft kiss on the forehead, she left him to sleep, then went to bed herself.

However, during the night, her husband broke into the house. He snuck upstairs, killing the two grandparents then went to the mother's room. Grian's father didn't know that he had woken up the four year old child, Grian got up and walked towards his mother's bedroom, quietly with fear coursing through his veins.



Grian walked in seeing his father beating against his mother. When he threw her against the bookshelf, Grian ran over to her.

"Mum? Mum, wake up! Mummy?" He heard his father chuckling, Grian turned towards him with tears in his eyes. 

"What? Too sad to do anything you cursed child?!"

His father went to swing at him, Grian put his hand out once it started flaming, "Leave my mother alone." He swung his hand towards the window, ultimately throwing his father out the second floor. He turned back to his mother and crawled under her arm and wings.

After a moment, she woke up, "Grian? Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm okay... Are you okay?"


As she sat up, she picked Grian up with he, "Where'd he go?"

"Out the window..."

"Okay, I'm going to call the cops, baby. That way I can ensure you're safe."

"Mummy, my powers helped me."

"Your powers finally came? Grian, that's great!"

She figured that she needed to distract Grian from what had just happened, so she brought him downstairs and gave him some food while calling the police.

While the cops were searching, and taking Grian's mother's parents out of the house, Grian's mother kept her son distracted so he wouldn't have to see them doing it. Every time he would try and look over, she'd turn his head back towards her so he would focus on her instead of the cops and paramedics.

I don't know how to end this

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