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Warnings: Abuse, briefly mentioned sexual abuse, blood (mentioned), injury, kidnapping, cages

Implied relationship: Grian/Xisuma

Summary: Omega Grian and Alpha Xisuma, Sam kidnaps Grian. Enjoy the story.


Grian went missing a while ago. Five months to be exact. He was kidnapped by his own abusive alpha.

The two were in a small cottage while Grian was cleaning for his 'master'. He was petrified of the guy. But the first few weeks, Sam made sure that Grian would obey all demands given to him. And the name that Grian was keeping into his mind faded, becoming nothing but a forgotten memory.

"Hey!" Sam yelled, "Get out of the way."

Grian quickly moved out of the way, basically sticking to the wall of the cottage. His head hung not making eye contact, his jaw trembled, shoulders slightly shaking. He saw Sam stop in his tracks before grabbing Grian by his hair causing him to yelp, dragging him straight to the bedroom.

"Strip." The command was simple, Grian complied even though he knew what would happen next. He discarded the maid outfit Sam made him wear and complied to the rest of his commands.

When that mess was over, Grian continued trembling for the rest of the day. Cleaning, cooking, being used. But at the end of the day, it was all the same. He was thrown into the tiny dog cage he was forced to sleep in every night.

It was only the next morning where Sam opened the cage and demanded he started cleaning. Grian once more complied to his orders.

The next order he received was when he was in the kitchen, it wasn't more of an order but a beating.

"That living room looks terrible." Sam growled when Grian started to bleed, "Do it again."

Grian fell to the ground, black eye circling his right, huddled against the cupboards, his entire body trembling like a leaf.

He knew he'd get hit harder if he talked, so he remained quiet, pulled himself up on shaking legs and went back to the living room.

Thirty minutes later, Sam yelled, "GREON."

He flinched as he looked towards the rabbit hybrid.

"Go do the dishes while I go to the main hub store. If there's so much as a spot on them I'll make sure you don't wake up until tomorrow."

"Y-yes s-sir." Grian stuttered.


Two hermits sat behind a bush watching as Grian trembled in the hands of the alpha demanding him around like a dog.

"That's Grian."

"I know, we can't do anything until that alpha leaves, Mumbo." Xisuma whispered pulling him behind the bush when the alpha walked out, "We're getting my omega back, one way or another."

When the alpha finally left, the two poked their heads out of the bush and carefully crept to the door and quietly walked in.

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