Stressed (GriSuma)

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Chapter Summary: Basically over stressed Gri, much fluff, cuddling all the fluffiness Not much dialogue, much description :D

Grian was more than stressed at this point. The barge was constantly needing stocking, the mansion needed interior, both of them, his nether mansion needed to be spawn proofed, and he was running out of supplies to do so.

He sat on the edge of the shopping district with his feet in the water, head in his hands as his wings fluttered slowly as if they were weightless, he knew that his watcher wings were out and that he could have a panic attack at any second, but he didn't think about it. Only thinking about the splash of the water and the chill against his skin.

Xisuma was also walking the shopping district when he noticed Grian sitting at the edge. He noticed that he looked a bit skinnier.

Has he eaten at all within the last couple of days? Xisuma being the admin, and Grians' boyfriend, he looked at him closer and realized that the wings on his back were his watcher wings. Xisuma hummed as he walked to an ender chest and brought out some food and a water bottle. Can't only eat veges, Gri. He thought to himself, then made his way back to Grian.

He didn't want to scare the already stressed hermit, so X took his shoes off and sat next to him letting his feet dip in the water as well. When Grian didn't notice him, he put a hand on his lap, and immediately gained his attention.

"Hey." Xisuma said with a smile holding out a porkchop and bottle of water. Grian smiled slightly and took the goodies, drinking the water slowly first. "You okay?"

"Yeah.." Grian said, "Just... Tired."

"What's going on?"

"A lot of things need to be done, can't get to them all." Grian replied eating the porkchop.

"Why don't you take a break?"


"I'm serious Grian." Xisuma said, "You are beyond stressed, literally all you wings are out."

"Now that's something I didn't notice." Grian said, "I really can't though."

"Yeah, you can." Xisuma said. When Grian didn't look at him, he looked at the water and lightly splashed Grian, immediately snapping him out of it, "Just relax Grian, come on."

Grian looked at Xisuma and gave a small chuckle as X held out his hand. Grian took a 'I give up' sigh and took Xisumas' hand. Xisuma pulled him to his feet and brought him to the nether portal where they proceeded to go to Xisumas' main base without flying. Grian however remained silent throughout the whole journey.

Once to Xisumas' base, X put on some calm music, some classical if you don't mind, then proceeded to sit onto the couch, where Grian was. Xisuma laid on the couch but it was a little awkward because he needed to get his legs past Grian, he held out his arm and said calmly;

"Come 'ere you." 

Grian didn't hesitate as he laid against Xisuma, his wings stopping their weightless fluttering and going back to regular elytra wings. Grian let out a stuttering breath as Xisuma let his arm lay against his shoulder.

"You're alright, go ahead and sleep. I'll be here when you wake. Don't worry."

Grian gave him a soft smile with his eyes closed as X's calm breathing put him to sleep quickly.

Xisuma quietly pulled out his communicator for a brief message to the hermits;

<Xisuma> Grian and I are off duty rest of the day

And with that he soon fell asleep with Grian.

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