Not an Update... OR IS IT?!

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Under Fire (2) Read previous for things.

Extra tags: Mentions of sexual assault

Extra things; Read the note at the end :D

(You've been deceived.)


Grian walked into the office a few days after the whole fire incident. Xisuma noticed from the his own office and walked out.

"Grian, what're you doing here?!" He shouted, "You're supposed to be resting!"

"I told you this morning when you left that I felt fine and that I'd be here in the afternoon." Grian looked him dead in the eye, "So deal with it. Where's my badge?"

Xisuma groaned but handed Grian his badge, "One PP is going to have my ass for letting you back in the field. Get yourself hurt, and your fired."

"You'd never. I'm too valuable."

"I don't care if you're valuable or not! Don't get yourself hurt for Christ sake!"

"Whatever you say X." Grian attached his badge to his belt then walked to Ren, putting his hands on the side of his desk, "What've we got?"

"That picture came back from forensics, it labeled someone in our system named Samuel H. Gladiator." Ren got up and put up the mug shot, "He's been convicted of Sexual Assault in the second degree, Two violations of his probation, two counts of assault and battery, and-"

"And arson in the second degree." Grian finished, "How the hell have we not put this fool away?! Why is he still roaming our streets?"

"Because criminal justice is difficult. He's currently not working but he was last spotted at the convenience store in down town Long Island."

"Let's go then."

Current Location: Montoro's Convenience Store, 2:25PM

Grian and Ren both walked in, they looked at the cashier.

"Good afternoon." Grian greeted, he showed the cashier his badge, "Lieutenant Grian XC, HCPD. Where's Mr. Montoro?"

"He'll be in the manager's office in the back. Just knock on the door and he'll be with me." The cashier said, "I don't want any trouble."

"Don't worry, you're not. We just want a chat with the manager. Thank you."

Knocking on the door, they walked in, "Mr. Montoro?"

"That would be me." The person said, he noticed Grian point to his badge, "What can I do for you officers?"

"Lieutenant XC." Grian started, he held out one of the pictures of their suspect, "We have a possible suspect in an arson case that we pulled from a street cam showing that he came from this store. We were hoping you recognize him."

"Yeah, actually." Mr. Montoro said, "He walked in here and bought some lighter fluid, matches, wires, rope. It looked suspicious so I printed off the receipt, twice. One for the shop, the other in case of something like this."

Mr. Montoro got up after handing Grian back the picture, only to return with the receipt. Grian handed it to Ren after reading through it.

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