New Leadership

527 25 25

Warnings: None

Relatinship: GriSuma but Xisuma is fighting or the boy



"Are you sure it's a good idea to have an omega as Captain?"

"He's an award winning officer. What's the worst that he could do?"

"Xisuma, you're Lieutenant, you need to do something."

"I don't have a choice in anything, Ren. Just follow orders."

When Grian walked in, he smiled at the officers, "Precinct 355! I am Grian, I'm your new Captain."

Xisuma's jaw nearly dropped, "Oh my god, he's cute."

"X, take your gay panic out of the office."

"I'm just saying he's cute." Xisuma chuckled, "It's not like I'm gonna be flirting with him."

Ren slapped Xisuma and took a look at their new captain who was walking by them, "Hey Cap."

Grian turned around, "Yeah?"

"What are you?"

Grian looked at him with confusion then realized what he meant, "Angel omega. Why?"

"Were you claim-"

"No, and we don't talk about that here."

"Are you sure you're going to feel safe in a room full of alpha's as an unclaimed omega?"

Grian looked Ren up and down, "You've been Sergeant three months, twenty-six, 6'2''. Been written up three times. Once for shooting who? Your former partner in a misunderstanding while running down a suspect? The other two for acting out of line. You've lost two partners but you never talk about it because it's a sore subject. So no, I'm not worried about being the only omega in this office and as acting captain."

"I- How-?"

"I'm observant, not an idiot. Now get back to work."

~Two Hours Later~

Grian was on his computer looking through each officer's background when he heard two knocks on his door.

Grian looked up immediately seeing Ren in the doorway, "Cap, we got a call. We could use a hand."

"What's going on?"

"Ten car pile up, we don't have enough hybrids with the strength to help."

"I'll be down in three seconds, take the patrol."

Ren admired the way on how Grian took charge, he did as asked and waited for him in the patrol car.


As the officers arrived, Grian immediately began giving orders for people to start on pulling people back.

"You must be the new captain." The fire chief snarked, "An omega. Surprising."

"Gee, I find you cute too, not." Grian snapped, "Get the jaws of life, Xisuma, Ren, help me with this."

They each got to a side of a car, lifting it enough to be able to get the person trapped underneath, "Are there seriously only three hybrids in your precinct!?" The person shouted.

"We don't control who's in the precinct sir!" Grian shouted with a small strain, "We're just here to do our job."

"What are you an angel?"

Grian didn't answer him, he knew that the last person he told refused his help, instead he waited for the firefighters to cut off the piece of metal attached to the leg of the person.

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